(Morning News) U.S. Treasury Minister Yel London urged the G20 (G20) major economies to take emergency actions to solve the short -term grain security crisis that intensified due to the Russian and Ukraine war, andAvoid export restrictions and hoarding of markets.

Yellen Friday (July 15) at the Twenty Group Group Finance Minister in Indonesia that countries should take a targeted financial support measureA subsidy of expensive and backsturming.She also called on the members of the Group of 20 to increase expenditure in response to the economic impact and grain security challenges caused by conflict, climate change and crown disease; due to the rise in food, fertilizer and fuel prices related to war, these challenges are increasingly intensified.Essence

Yellen said that Russian President Putin has damaged agricultural facilities, theft of grain and agricultural equipment, and effectively blocking the Black Sea Port, "using food as a war weapon."She said that the poor families in the poorest country were most directly affected, leaving development backwards and destroying the efforts of eliminating poverty.

Yellen said that the Group 20 should use existing food security and agricultural structure, and insists on requesting multilateral development banks, grain institutions located in Rome, global agricultural and food security plan (GAFSP), andOther institutions responded more urgent.

The United States has provided US $ 2.8 billion (approximately S $ 3.9 billion) aid for solving food security issues in Russia, and said last month that it will further provide US $ 2.7 billion.Yellen said that the United States is also providing funds initiated by the European Renaissance Development Bank, and will provide donations to Africa's African Emergency Grain Production Fund and other initiatives to the African Development Bank.