For sources, the mainland government pressures the well -known Taiwan orchestra Mayday, and delivered a pro -mainland speech before the Taiwan election. The Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi called on the DPP to come up with evidence, otherwise to control the election in this way "It should not be very not. "

Comprehensive Taiwan China Times and the Central News Agency reported that Hou Youyi said on Friday (December 29) that Reuters quoted the DPP officials reporting the above news that the DPP should come up with evidence.If there is no evidence, the election is also controlled in this way, and Mayday is involved in the election vortex. "This is very wrong and should not be."

Reuters on Thursday (28th) quoted a Taiwan internal security report that the State Administration of Radio and Television of Mainland China requested Mayday to publicly make a public statement, support Taiwan as part of China's statement, and join Beijing's Taiwan's to Taiwan's Taiwan to Taiwan.Media.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China refuted that the report was "upright fake news", and the Taiwan government's MAC stated that the relevant news is currently verifying.

In response, Zhao Yixiang, a spokesman for the campaign office of the DPP presidential candidate Lai Qingde, called on the wild camp to bravely stand up to condemn Beijing and strongly ask the Beijing government to not be involved in the Taiwan election.

Hou Youyi campaign office spokesman Wang Minxu said that the relevant news has not been confirmed by the mainland officials, but if it is true, Hou Office strongly condemn this behavior, because mainland China should not force musicians to make a political position, andMusic art should not be disturbed by political.

Wang Minxu also said that not only the fans could not recognize, but also seriously harmed the emotions of the people of Taiwan, and had no benefit to cross -strait exchanges.If it is a false information that deliberately spreads the outside world, Hou Ye also urged relevant mainland units to explain and clarify the matter as soon as possible.