Before the vote date of Taiwan and legislators elections in 2024, the vote day of the Taiwan and legislators elections, the vote day of the election day of Taiwan and the legislators, the vote day of the election day of Taiwan and the legislature election, the vote day of the election day of Taiwan and the legislature election, the vote date of the election day of Taiwan and the legislators, and the election date of the legislator election.There are many airports in mainland China to return to Taiwan to vote.

Comprehensive reports of Taiwan Economic Daily, Dongsen News Cloud, and Weekly King CTWANT, etc., Taiwan elections vote on Saturday (January 13). Many Taiwanese people in other places have recently prepared to return to their votes. Xiamen, Shanghai, and ShanghaiThe flights from Beijing to Taoyuan Airport were full.

Beijing Capital Airport was almost full on Thursday (January 11), and long dragons were rowed at the front of the luggage consignment counter.Line up so long.

Li Zhenghong, chairman of the National Taiwan Enterprise Federation of the Mainland, said that in recent days, almost all of the flights to Taiwan have returned to Taiwan in recent days. Taiwanese businessmen's willingness to vote is high.

There are Taiwanese businessmen estimated that this time there were 200,000 people who returned to Taiwan from the mainland to vote.On Friday (January 12), there were four flights from Air China, Hainan Airlines, China Airlines and Evergreen flying to the mainland. Some Taiwanese businessmen bought air tickets early, most of them returned to work after voting.

Some Taiwanese businessmen said that they took the flight at 8 am and went to the airport to go through the boarding procedures at 6 o'clock.Another Taiwanese businessman said that the seat rate of the flight last year was not too high, about 67 %, and this year's flight was close to full.

A Taiwanese businessman who has been developing in Beijing for more than 20 years observed, compared to 2000 and 2008, he also returned to Taiwan to vote, but this time Taiwanese businessmen's willingness to return to Taiwan was significantly improved.Li Zhenghong recently revealed that Taiwanese businessmen in the Yangtze River Delta region have returned to their hometowns to vote more than 80 %.

In addition to the airport, the Taiwan -Gold Line and the small three -way routes also appeared on Friday.Golden Gate's exit account for about 30%, approximately 70%of the entry, and 93%of the first -class passenger loading rate in the small three links, 80%in the second class, and 70%of the day.

Statistics of the Taiwan Immigration Department show that from January 5th to 11th, Taoyuan Airport returned from the mainland to Taiwan 48,974, which is 8,794 more than the 40,180 people in the previous week.The number of returnees is more.

According to the statistics of the Taiwan Railway Company, after 5 pm on Friday, the south and long -distance trains are almost full. The estimated maximum daily transport volume will reach 758,000.606,000 people who were elected in the nine -in -one local elections in 2022.