Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou issued a statement clarify before, before before, before, before, before, before the previous social platform, he clarified that before beforeAccepting the original intention of the German media interviews is that there must be mutual trust on both sides of the strait to avoid going to war.

Ma Ying -jeou said on Facebook on Friday (January 12) that he accepted an exclusive interview with Germany on January 8 (Monday) this year. The original intention was that cross -strait had mutual trust to avoid going to war.There must be mutual trust on both sides of the strait to have dialogue communication. This is supported by all three presidential candidates.

Ma Ying -jeou pointed out that (Kuomintang Vice Presidential Candidate) Zhao Shaokang has a kind of observation.Zhao Shaokang said: "What faces do the DPP have to fight this question?" In the past, when the US President Biden and Xi Jinping (President of Mainland China) met, Xi Jinping said that he did not plan to hit Taiwan in 2027 and 2035.Repeatedly cited, all trust Xi Jinping, 100 % trust.

Ma Ying -jeou bluntly, Lai Qingde hopes to have dinner with Xi Jinping. If there is no mutual trust, will this dinner eat?

Ma Ying -jeou said that the White House did not support "Taiwan independence" on Thursday (11th). I hope that Taiwan and the mainland will talk. If there is no mutual trust, how to dialogue?"I hope everyone will cherish the opportunity to peace and think about Taiwanese. Through mutual trust and dialogue, fighting for peace and dignity for Taiwanese people."

For the life of the folks in Taiwan, for the safety of Taiwan, Ma Ying -jeou called for everyone to go out on Saturday to vote, concentrate on voting, support Hou Kangbing, remove the DPP, promote the rotation of political parties, and let Taiwan reborn.Go forward.

Ma Ying -jeou's interview published on Wednesday (10th) of the Voice of Germany was questioned and whether he trusted the mainland President Xi Jin, who said, "In terms of cross -strait relations, he must believe in him."

In response to Ma Ying -jeou's remarks, Hou Youyi responded twice from Wednesday to Thursday, saying that he had many claims different from Ma Ying -jeou.

At the international press conference held on Thursday, Hou Youyi said that the current situation on the two sides of the strait is not the same as Ma Ying -jeou's office."Ideas", and showed "I will not touch unified issues in my tenure."

Subsequently, Ma Ying -jeou was reported to be invited to be invited by Hou Youyi to choose the night before the election. Ma Ying -jeou's office responded that because he was not invited, he would not attend.The outside world speculated that it was related to Ma Ying -jeou's exclusive interview. The Kuomintang explained that the DPP's improper attack on Ma Ying -jeou's interview with foreign media. In order to prevent the DPP from using the opportunity to discredit Ma Ying -jeou, Ma Ying -jeou was invited to attend the event before the election.