Lai Qingde, Vice President of Taiwan and the President of the DPP, previously accepted the relevant remarks from Bloomberg. The Chinese embassy spokesman in the United States pointed out that Lai Qingde had no noise "Taiwan independence" split false in order to seek political private interests, destroying the "Taiwan independence" division and destroying the destructionThe peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait area is a downright "troublemaker".

According to the statement issued by the Chinese Embassy's website on Tuesday (August 15), a spokesman pointed out that there is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is an inseparable part of China.The Taiwan issue is purely China's internal affairs and cannot interfere with any foreign interference.

The spokesman said that Lai Qingde's so -called "maintaining the status quo of the Taiwan Strait" is essentially "peaceful division" and "one middle and one"."support.

A spokesman said that the root cause of the current tight situation in Taiwan Straits is that Taiwan officials have repeatedly attempted to "rely on the beauty of the beauty", and some people in the United States insisted on promoting "Taiwan"."Taiwan independence" has no way out, and any fantasy hooks are destined to end with failure.

Regarding Lai Qingde's transit visit to the United States, a spokesman said that China expressed strong dissatisfaction with the United States regardless of the strict statement of the United States, insisting on arranging Lai's "transit" and strong condemnation.China urges the United States to abide by a China Principles and the three joint communiqué regulations of China and the United States, fulfilling that they do not support "Taiwan independence", do not support the "two China" or "one middle and one" commitment, stop any form of officials in the United States, stop indulgence, stop indulgenceAnd support the "Taiwan independence" division forces and its activities, stop blurring and hollowing out a Chinese principle.China will take resolute and effective measures to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Lai Qingde accepted an exclusive interview with Bloomberg Business Weekly editor -in -chief Joel Weber on July 27 that his responsibility was to maintain the status quo of peace and stability of the Taiwan Straits. "This status quo is that Taiwan is already sovereigntyIndependent country.

Lai Qingde also said: "We must be based on the facts. The pragmatism I call is based on the facts. This fact is that Taiwan is already a sovereign independent country.Some, and the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are not affiliated with each other, and there is no need to declare independence. "