(Beijing/Tokyo Comprehensive News) In response to former Japanese Prime Minister Ako Taro's visit to Taiwan, In the event of a war, we must have the obstacles, execute the determination , ChinaThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Mainland criticized that Japanese politicians would say war to visit Taiwan, and they were afraid that the Taiwan Strait would not be chaotic.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China on Wednesday (August 9), on the official website's remarks on the official website to respond the above -mentioned response on the form of reporters in the form of a reporter.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that individual politicians in Japan regardless of China's resolute opposition, insisted on visiting Taiwan and giant words, rendering the tight situation of Taiwan Strait, provoking opposition and confrontation, and interfering in the Chinese internal affairs.Document spirit, seriously trample on the basic criteria of international relations.China has made solemnly negotiated to the Japanese side, and strongly condemned it.

The official website of the Chinese embassy in Japan also released the embassy spokesman on the same day to say that he should "based on war and strengthen deterrence" during the visit of Masheng Taro's visit to Taiwan.The spokesman said, "What Ako Taro said is not self -proclaimed, nonsense, and also interfere with the Chinese internal affairs and destroy the stability of the Taiwan Strait. China has proposed to the Japanese side with a serious negotiation."

According to Reuters, the Liberal Democratic Party members who accompanied Masheng Taro's visit to Taiwan said that Mona's remarks on "preparing for the fight for Taiwan" are not personal remarks, but on behalf of Tokyo's official position.

Suzuki Xinyou said on a TV show on Wednesday that Mason had discussed this issue with Japanese government officials. This comment is not the result of the personal remarks of Aso Taro, but the result of negotiating with insiders of the government. "I think the Japanese government obviously obviouslyCare this as the official position. "

However, when asked about the content of Mu Sheng's speech, the Secretary -General of the Japanese Cabinet Matsuno Kazaku emphasized that Japan has always hoped to solve the Taiwan problem through dialogue.

Masaki Taro is the highest -level Japanese political officials visiting Taiwan since Japan and Mainland China resumed diplomatic relations in 1972.Since his visit to Taiwan on Monday (August 7), A large numberTour .