A member of the "Taiwan State" in Taiwan's independence group on Thursday (April 27) wanted to shoot the bronze statue of the late KMT leader Chiang Kai -shek with lacquer shotguns and was arrested by the police."Taiwan State" said that he hopes to take this action to urge the Taiwan government to remove the bronze statue as soon as possible and implement transformation justice.

According to Taiwan Ling Media, a member of "Taiwan State" held a paint shotgun on Thursday to shoot the bronze statue of Chiang Kai -shek in the Chiang Kai -shek Memorial Hall, suppressed by the gendarmerie and police on the scene, and brought back to the police station to clarify the case.

The "Taiwan State" issued a press release afterwards that Australian ABC TV station went to "Taiwan State" to interview and transform justice issues earlier, and was full of doubts about Chiang Kai -shek's bronze statue.The reporter also mentioned the implementation of transformation and justice with the election of Taiwan next year, and the correlation between Taiwan and the "Republic of China"."Taiwan State" believes that Taiwan issues, including transformation and justice, have become the focus of international attention.

The press release described that Taiwan claims to be free, democratic, human rights, and the rule of law, but allows Chiang Kai -shek to sit in the Taipei Essence Zone for decades. It is quite "absurd" for decades.The press release also stated that "Taiwan State" was ashamed of such an interview and worried about Taiwan's image.