Taiwan purchased javelin missiles and drag missiles from the United States last year, but only the launcher arrived in Taiwan, and the missile was not delivered.The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan said that the delay in the delivery of missiles was mainly affected by factors such as epidemic situation, chip shortage, and U.S. military processes.

Comprehensive reports from Taiwan reported to China Times reported that in order to strengthen the Taiwan army's combat capabilities, Taiwan purchased 400 javelin missiles, 42 launchers, and 1700 drag missiles from the US military.It arrived in Taiwan in December, but the missile has not been delivered so far.

The Kuomintang legislators Wen Yuxia pointed out that the Ministry of Defense of Taiwan had previously stated that 400 javelin missiles will be delivered at a time last year, but due to the large demand for the Russian -Ukraine conflict, the supply is crowded out.

It is reported that Taiwan and the United States originally finalized 460 drag missiles and improved targets in 2022 to obtain 46 sets of systems and 46 special Hummer car.Obtained 54 sets of systems and 54 Hummer.However, the drag missile has also "seen the car without a bomb" so far, and the overall delivery progress is backward.

Because the missiles have not been delivered at present, Wen Yuxia is worried that when the Russian -Ukraine conflict has not faded, it may continue to affect the supply time of the United States to Taiwan.Qiu Chenyuan, the party legislator of the people, was also worried that many military sales in Taiwan and the United States recently delayed, and the Taiwan military's combat power was short in the short term.

In response, Cai Mingyan, director of Taiwan Guoan, replied that many US members of the United States Congress are concerned about the delay of the delivery of the military purchase delivery. Because Taiwan is an island, it is easy to have related emergencies.It is affected by sea blockade, so it is important to strengthen Taiwan's ability to bear Beijing's first hit.

The missiles have not been delivered to this day. The Ministry of Defense of Taiwan said that the main influencing factors are epidemic, chip shorts, and U.S. military processes.Continue to communicate and contact the U.S. military, hoping to accelerate the delivery period.