Ma Ying -jeou's recent trip to the mainland is not only welcomed by some mainlanders, but also people inside Taiwan also expect him to run for 2024 presidents.In this regard, Xiao Xucen bluntly said that what route to take is more important than anyone to choose, "he (Ma Ying -jeou) will not consider this."

Zhuang Huiliang Taipei Report

[email protected]

Xiao Xuzen, the executive chief of the Foundation of former President Ma Ying -jeou, accepted an exclusive interview with radio on Monday (April 10) to visit Mainland China at the end of March to mention sensitive words such as "in Taiwan".The mainland has the highest respect and courtesy of Ma Ying -jeou. "We have proper and close communication with the mainland, which is a very good communication."

Ma Ying -jeou met on March 28 and met with Xin Changxing, Secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, mentioned that he was promoting cross -strait exchanges during the promotion of cross -strait exchanges.The Constitution of the Republic of China belongs to "one China".Earlier, in the face -to -face exchanges on both sides of the strait, the leaders of the two sides always used "Mr." as a name for each other. Ma Ying -jeou claimed to be the former president on the mainland land, and also mentioned that the "Republic of China" that the mainland believed no existence had existed.The mainland also gives tolerance and never see it before.

Ma Ying -jeou returned to Taiwan last week that the trip made the "1992 Consensus" survived again.Tsai Ing -wen refuted that it was the discussion of the 1970s. At present, "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are not affiliated with each other."The DPP also posted on Facebook, emphasizing that "we are Taiwanese, not Chinese."

Xiao Xucen interviewed on the broadcast program on Monday that Ma Ying -jeou threw out the most important issue facing Taiwan -cross -strait issues and unity on the island, and proposed that the solutions were in the Constitution of the Republic of China.Be safe.

He further demanded that Cai Yingwen explained the positioning of cross -strait relations, "Is the two sides of the Strait two countries? If Tsai Ing -wen does not answer the two sides of the Taiwan Strait is two countries, the Taiwan Strait will not be so nervous;The Taiwan Strait will be fierce; the Constitution of the Republic of China clearly stipulates that the two sides of the strait are not two countries, that is, Taiwan and mainland China. "

Xiao Xucen also said that if the two sides of the strait are two countries, Taiwan should abolish the Mainland Council.

As long as Taiwan needs to rule out the second "Xi Jun"

Ma Ying -jeou's recent trip to the mainland is not only welcomed by some mainlanders, but some people inside Taiwan expect him to run for 2024 President.In this regard, Xiao Xucen bluntly said that what route to take is more important than anyone to choose, "he (Ma Ying -jeou) will not consider this."

He said that the "1992 Consensus" is the political platform of the Kuomintang. No matter who represents the president of 2024, candidates should not violate the Kuomintang's political platform.

He emphasized that Ma Ying -jeou took the first step in this trip, looking forward to communicating more from all walks of life in Taiwan.As for whether Ma Ying -jeou visited the mainland again in the future, or after 2015, there will be a second "Xi Jun" (Chinese official and Ma Ying -jeou)?Xiao Xucen said that as long as Taiwan needs it, it does not rule out any possibilities.

The Kuang Qichen, which was chairman of the Kuomintang legislator Jiang Qichen, announced the latest polls on Monday on Monday, of which 48.8%of them agreed to use the "1992 Consensus" as the basis for cross -strait exchange dialogue, and 44.1%did not agree.53.4%agreed to use the "1992 Consensus" based on the Constitution of the Republic of China as the basis for cross -strait exchanges and dialogues. 39.4%did not agree.44.1%was more satisfied with the cross -strait relations of the Malaysian government, and 36.9%was more satisfied with the Tsai Ing -wen government.

In terms of the Green Camp, the DPP legislator Zhao Tianlin and Wang Dingyu held a press conference, accusing Ma Ying -jeou of saying that Taiwan was part of China.And even selling children's future options, how should the international community support Taiwan?

The independent group of Taiwan went to the Procuratorate of the Higher Procuratorate to report that Ma Ying -jeou's remarks harmed Taiwan's dignity and intended to lose Taiwan's sovereignty field to China, which may violate the crime of losing 104 criminal law.