For reports that after the presidential election of Paraguay may be interrupted with Taiwan, the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the executive director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responded, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs pays close attention to the situation, and admits that mainland China is obviously attracting the presidential candidates of all parties in Paraguay.Essence

Comprehensive Taiwan Media reported that Paraguay will hold the presidential election on April 30. SantiaGo Pena, candidate of the ruling party, said that if he win, Paraguay and Taiwan 60Over the years, diplomatic relations will not be affected; EFRAIN ALegre, a candidate for the Wild Party Blue Party (PLRRA), said in January this year that if the winning election will break diplomatic relations with Taiwan and establish diplomatic relations with mainland China.The official website of Erigri said that between Taiwan and mainland China, "because only one can be selected, it will provide better conditions to determine."

Regarding the election of Paraguay, according to the ATLAS Intelligence polls, Ergrid's current support accounts for 38.1%, and the ruling party candidate Pannia follows the support of 36.4%.

Kuomintang legislators Jiang Qichen on Monday (April 10) when questioned at the Legislative Council's Foreign Defense Commission, concerned about Paraguay's relationship with Taibang. It was mentioned that foreign media revealed a few days ago.Candidates in the opposition party also said that they turned their diplomacy after they were elected.

Yu Da? It responded that this was a Reuters report a few days ago. As for the interview with Erigeri in January, he spoke through the team afterwards that Paraguay and Taiwan have a very good relationship with Taiwan.If he is elected, he will further talk about how to deepen the relationship between the two places, because Paraguay as the only diplomatic country in South America, South America, or more contributions.Yu Da also mentioned that he knew Erigri, and the two sides had contact and interaction.

Even so, Jiang Qichen proposed that Erigri mentioned in the campaign official website that "Paraguay cannot put emotions above political interests.""Foreign policy direction." Jiang Qichen reminded the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that Taiwan and Paraguay had been established for many years.The worst plan? Yu Da? He did not respond positively. He only said that he was closely observing and paid attention to, and admitted that mainland China was obviously drawing presidential candidates from all parties in Paraguay, "This is a fact."

Yu DaIn an exclusive interview with the Infobae of the Argentine Poly News (Infobae), I mentioned that Argentina and mainland China and Taiwan are interacting at the same time.When you do not associate with other countries, you will preset any premise. Taiwan is willing to communicate with the world on equality and reciprocity.

He pointed out that there is a certain definition of double recognition in international law.During the former President of Taiwan, Lee Teng -hui, Taiwan established diplomatic relations with Grenada in 1989. At that time, Green Nada still had diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. At that time, Taiwan did not require Green Nada to break diplomatic relations with mainland China.