Since the mainland announced the suspension of Lu Sheng three years ago, Taiwan University has been unable to recruit a new student in the mainland. After the graduation season of June this year, universities will face the "clear zero" of the bachelor's class.Pan Wenzhong, the Minister of Education in Taiwan, said that it regrets that the mainland has adopted a prohibition strategy and allowed young people on both sides of the strait to have less communication opportunities.

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, Pan Wenzhong was asked on Monday (April 10) when he was asked on the Legislative Yuan when he announced the suspension of the relevant issues of Lu Sheng's third anniversary of Taiwan.The Ministry of Education of Mainland China announced on April 9, 2020 that considering the prevention and control of the epidemic and cross -strait relations at the time, it was decided to suspend the suspension of graduates from various levels of academic qualifications across the mainland to Taiwan to promote work in Taiwan.

Pan Wenzhong said that since the determination of Lu Sheng's study plan to go to Taiwan, the Taiwan Ministry of Education has always been consistent, that is, supporting Lu Sheng can go to Taiwan for learning, so that young people on both sides of the strait can pass such opportunities and have more understanding of each other to understand each other.EssenceHe also said that unfortunately, the attitude of Taiwan has not changed in recent years, but the mainland still adopts a ban strategy to allow young people on both sides of the strait to have less opportunities for communication.

Pan Wenzhong pointed out that from a survey of mainland students in the past, Lu Sheng went to Taiwan to study in Taiwan, and there were 70 % satisfaction in all aspects of teachers, equipment, culture, and life.Study in Taiwan.He also said that the Ministry of Education will continue to work with relevant departments to make more links with the mainland, and hopes that they can understand that Lu Sheng goes to Taiwan to study in Taiwan will have great benefits to youth exchanges on both sides of the strait.