The military exercise of the Taiwan PLA circular to Taiwan on the third day, for whether the military exercise is a counterattack against the Cai Maihui, and the question of its influence on the regional security situation and the international community.According to a response, the exercise is a serious warning of provocation of the "Taiwan independence" division forces and external forces, and it is a necessary action to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China, Wang Wenbin, made the above statements at a regular press conference on Monday (April 10).

Inquiring about reporters, whether the military exercise was a counterattack against Taiwan Cai Yingwen and the Speaker of the US House of Representatives McCarthy.It is pointed out that the mainland will take resolute and effective measures to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Wang Wenbin also quoted a spokesperson for the Eastern theater that this time the warning and "joint sharp sword" exercise around Taiwan is a serious warning of the "Taiwan independence" division forces and external forces.The necessary action of sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In response to reporters to ask Beijing how to win the trust of the international community while holding military exercises, Wang Wenbin pointed out that the problem was "very ridiculous" and said that adhering to the "one China" principle is a common consensus of the international community.It is also recognized as basic criteria for international relations.

Asks whether the exercise is worried about the exertion of the exercise will exacerbate the regional security situation, Wang Wenbin emphasized that the Taiwan issue is "purely China's internal affairs", and the biggest threat of the current Taiwan Strait is the "Taiwan independence" split behavior and external external acting acts and external external acts.Forces to condonate it.

Wang Wenbin said: "The" Taiwan independence "is peaceful and stable on the same sea, and the water and fire are not tolerant. If you want to keep the Taiwan Strait peaceful and stable, you must firmly oppose various forms of 'Taiwan independence' split behaviors."

The People's Liberation Army recently announced that it will carry out the Taiwan military exercise from April 8th to 10th. In Monday's military exercises, the PLA launched an air and sea blockade drill. The Shandong aircraft carrier also participated in the exercise.

Taiwan Foreign Minister Wu Zhaozheng evaluated in an interview with Bloomberg on Monday that the intensity of the military exercise around Taiwan was comparable to that of Perlus's military exercise in Taiwan last year.