The latest polls in Taiwan show that compared with October last year, the final support of unified and independent public opinions has been reduced, but those who support independepercentage point.Scholars interpret that when cross -strait relations are unstable, independent public opinion will be transformed to maintaining the status quo, which is a power change based on security needs.

The Taiwan Government's Mainland Councilor will have commissioned the Election Research Center for the Politics University for a long time to conduct public opinion investigations on the public's current independent field and cross -strait relations.The latest results announced on Thursday (March 23) showed that among the 1072 people over the age of 20 from March 16th to 20th, the vast majority of those who advocated the generality of the broad sense still accounted for 88.9%.

Among them, if you advocate always maintaining the status quo and maintaining the status quo, if you determine independence or unity, it accounts for 32.1%and 31.3%, respectively.It advocates maintaining the status quo, and it will be 18.9%to be independent in the future; maintaining the status quo will be 6.6%in the future.

The independence and unification of independence and unification as soon as possible are 5.3%and 1.1%, respectively.

This poll was last time from October 19th to 23rd last year, at the time of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (the 20th National Congress).The results of the two investigations also showed that the Taiwanese people have moved their independence attitudes, and they have more obvious changes in supporting independent people.

In the latest polls, the unified public opinion finally supported a percentage point from the previous time; the independence was finally supported, a decrease of 5.5 percentage points.If you always maintain the status quo and maintain the status quo, if you decide to be independent or unified, it will grow by 6.1 percentage points.

Scholars: Cross -Strait relations are unstable, unstable and unique polls to maintain the status quo

Wang Xinxian, a special professor of the East Asia Research Institute of Taiwan Politburo, was analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Taiwan's partial or forever public opinion has a long -term increase in public opinion; however, in the short term, some people who tend to be independent will maintainAfter the status quo and maintaining the status quo, these two areas are decided to swing.He observed that when the cross -strait relations or the public believe that the United States supports reliable to Taiwan, the public opinion that tends to independence will rise significantly; on the contrary, when cross -strait relations are unstable, partial independent public opinion will decline and turn to the status quo.

Wang Xinxian believes that this reflects the unified independence of Taiwanese people based on safety needs.

As mentioned that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China mentioned, in the next five years, we must advance the principles of the first Central China and the "1992 Consensus", and promote the party factions, other sectors of Taiwan, and people from all levels on cross -strait relations and the unified national development of the country and the country.Broadly in -depth negotiation.Analysis generally believes that the mainland's work will be carried out at this goal this year.Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of Mainland China, has indeed met with the Taiwanese political parties and folks who communicated in land and exchanged in land since the end of last year.

83.6%of the people interviewed do not agree with one country, two systems

Song Tao went to Kunshan, Jiangsu on March 22 to discuss with Taiwanese enterprises and Taiwan Youths in Kunshan, Jiangsu. What is the benefit of "unity"?EssenceThis is the first issue of "unity" after he took office.

The polls announced by the MAC on the 23rd show that 83.7%of the public supports healthy and orderly exchanges after cross -strait epidemic in taking into account the needs of people such as interaction and economy;Passenger transport.

However, 83.6%of the interviewed people still do not agree with "the Communist Party of China proposed 'one country, two systems', and regarding Taiwan as a local government and a special administrative region, accepting the CCP's rule, the Republic of China will no longer exist";The people interviewed in favor of the Taiwan government's advocates that "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China do not affiliate with each other" are the objective status of the Taiwan Strait.

Wang Xinxian pointed out that for the people of Taiwan, for the people of Taiwan, it is an important means to maintain peace on both sides of the strait. Therefore, the public has a high degree of recognition of the low political exchanges between the two sides of the strait; but high political affairs such as the "unified plan", TaiwanPeople still have strong disgusting.