For Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Honduras confirmed that he had obtained gold aid from Taiwan, and also approved the Taiwan side to "read it".No assistance plan proposed by the Taiwan side.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan, the Second Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Honduras acknowledged that it was equivalent to NT $ 60 billion (S $ 2.6 billion), but we were criticized for "no read".In the event, the Taiwan Foreign Ministry responded that the Taiwan government's positive view of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Honduras Antonio García acknowledged that the Hong Kingdom government had repeatedly contributed huge aid from the Taiwan side.

The Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that since the President Xiomara Castro in January 2022, in January 2022, Taiwan has actively cooperated with Hong Guo to continue to negotiate cooperation with Hong Guo in accordance with the priority order of the government's administration.The plan told Hong Fang several times that Taiwan is willing to assist Hong Guo to promote construction and development within the scope of foreign aid capabilities.

In response to the fiscal dilemma of the Hong State government, in addition to the Taiwan Ambassador Zhang Junfei in Hongdu, Zhang Junfei, who has repeatedly negotiated with Hong Guo Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who has been to Hong Guo to go to Hong GuoThe government explained that the Taiwanese party responded to the plan, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also met the Hong Kingdom's ambassador to Taiwan in person to explain in person to explain in person, asking Broord to be faithfully conveyed the sincerity of the Taiwan side to the case and assistance to the case from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Taiwan Foreign Ministry said that Taiwan has always actively responded to the proposal of the Hong State government within the scope of ability.Response.

Honduras denied on Wednesday (22nd) that before it was announced that it had been requested to establish diplomatic relations with mainland China, Taiwan had asked Taiwan to provide US $ 2.5 billion (S $ 3.3 billion) aid.

Reuters and Taiwan joint newspapers quoted people familiar with the matter. The Taiwan Foreign Affairs Department received a letter of about 2.5 billion US dollars from the Honduras Foreign Minister Reina on March 13.President Castro tweeted, announcing that he wanted to build diplomatic relations with mainland China.

Deputy Foreign Minister of Honduras, Garcia, confirmed in an interview with local media Proceso that he had requested Taiwan to provide $ 2 billion (60.6 billion NT $ 60.6 billion) to assist local hospitals and investment factories, but he did not actively respond.