The chairman of the Special Committee of the US -China Strategic Competition Special Committee, Gragel, said that he would meet with her in Cai Yingwen, the Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy in Cai Yingwen, Taiwan.
Tsai Ing -wen will visit from March 29th to April 7th to visit AIA and Britz, AIA in China, will transit the United States New York and Los Angeles in the trip and return journey, and expect to meet in California and McCarthy.
The Republican Republican member Garragell on Thursday (March 23) answered the voice in the United States and said, "I plan to meet with her (California) with her (California),I hope it will be a great activity. "
Garrat visited Taiwan secretly during the US Congress in late February this year to meet with Tsai Ing -wen and other national defense and intelligence officials.To understand Taiwan's defense capabilities and needs in depth.The non -traditional war in the mainland is in threatening and coercing Taiwan to destroy Taiwan's freedom. "
Gragell, 39, joined Congress in 2017.EssenceHe is also the chairman of the newly established US -China Strategic Competition Special Committee of the House of Representatives.