(Taipei / Tegusica Comprehensive News) Taiwan ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Thursday (March 23) that it immediately recalled the Taiwan Ambassador to Hongdu in Hongdu to express his dissatisfaction with Honduras insisted on sending foreign ministers to the Chinese mainland.

The press release issued by the Taiwan Foreign Ministry on the official website stated that the Honduras government ignored the traditional friendship between the two sides for more than 80 years, ignoring Taiwan's long -term assistance of Honduras' cooperation and assistance to solve the goodwill of Honduras, insisting on sending foreign ministers to the mainland to negotiate business construction diplomatic relations, Seriously hurting the relationship between the Taiwan government and the people, the Taiwan government decided to immediately recall Ambassador to Hongdu in Hongdu to express strong dissatisfaction.

Honduras President Castro issued a post on Tuesday (March 14) that the foreign minister has instructed the foreign minister to deal with the establishment of a formal relationship with the mainland.

Reuters quoted the President of Honduras on Thursday, Alvarado, saying that Reina's instructions to the instructions of Castro had traveled to the mainland on Wednesday (March 22).

Agence France -Presse quoted the three anonymous government and diplomats revealed that they were also the daughter of Castro and members of Congress Hiomara.

The Minister of Affairs of Honduras President Basto told El Heraldo, El Heraldo, that Rena and others will meet with Chinese foreign ministers Qin Gang.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not confirm the news at a routine press conference on Thursday, but a spokesman Wang Wenbin said: "China welcomes the positive statement of the Hongdu government on the development of relations with China.Establish and develop bilateral relations. "

If Honduras has established diplomatic relations with the mainland, Taiwan's diplomatic relations will reduce from the current 14 countries to a new low in 13 countries.

According to the United Daily report, Taiwan ’s foreign minister Wu Zhaozheng admits that the current status of Taiwan’ s diplomatic relations is not very good, and it is said that Hongdulas has asked for a high price for demand.He also mentioned that because Taiwan does not have money diplomacy with the mainland, "now has entered a very hard stage."

Reuters earlier quoted people familiar with the matter that Castro had asked Taiwan to provide US $ 2.5 billion (S $ 3.3 billion) to assist in the day before the establishment of diplomatic relations with the mainland.

Rena denies this and emphasizes that this is not aid, but a re -financing mechanism after negotiation.He also said that Honduras has repeatedly requested Taiwan to buy Honduras' public debt.