Zhu Lilun, chairman of the Taiwan Kuomintang Party, announced that the Kuomintang presidential nomination method will adopt a "call" system, and emphasize that it will unite all forces to win the selection to avoid unnecessary disputes.

According to Taiwan reports, Zhu Lilun said on Wednesday (March 22) at the Kuomintang meeting that the Kuomintang has been consulting the mayor of various counties, members of the legislature party group, and many advanced partys.It is necessary to adopt a recruitment method to unite the selection and avoid controversy. On Wednesday, it will also report to the Middle School to make a joint resolution.

Zhu Lilun said that the presidential election must unite all the power that can be united.Green friends work together.

In response to nominations for the party's 2024 legislators election, Zhu Lilun said that Wednesday will pass the "Central Nomination Committee" on Wednesday.The county mayor, in the future, participate in nominations to participate in the auxiliary election, and work hard to work together.

Zhu Lilun further said that the list of legislators is expected to be nominated for the first stage on April 22, the second stage will be completed by May 20, and the third stage will be completed on June 18.He said that the legislator's difficult constituency must call for the brave "Blues New Warriors" to take on the election, while the president must work hard to unite all the strengths that can be united and strive for all friends who can give the Kuomintang to support.

For the former President Ma Ying -jeou, he will visit mainland China to "sacrifice his ancestors". Zhu Lilun said that Ma Ying -jeou went to worship his ancestors and organized youth students to exchange for the efforts of cross -strait relations to hope more peacefully.He emphasized that only by the Kuomintang's right way can the people have stability and peace, and can lay the foundation for the selection for the president and legislators election.

The 2024 Taiwan election is imminent, the DPP is quickly set in one, and the party chairman and vice president Lai Qingde are in the battlefield.The blue camp has not set up related measures to make supporters anxious, and then emphasize the support rate of the Kuomintang and Hou Youyi.