Cao Xingcheng, former chairman of Taiwan Lianhua Electronics, announced on Friday (March 17) that the Taiwan Citizen Human Rights Alliance will be established from now on, hoping to unite citizenship and promote Taiwan's judicial reform.

Cao Xingcheng posted on Facebook on Friday, announcing the official establishment of the Taiwan Citizen Human Rights Alliance on Friday, and looking forward to becoming a historic day on this day.He said that in the past, judicial reforms were always reduced to slogans and shows, but today (17th) will unite the power of unity citizens to form exercise, so that Taiwan should not only be proud of democracy, but also be proud of justice.

He mentioned in the opening speech on Facebook's league's establishment of the league. The current judicial cases in Taiwan are stacked like mountains, the processing progress is slow, and many judgments lack quality.disappointment.

Cao Xingcheng said to this that some basic scientific management concepts need"The burden on the work of the judicial system" and "the principle of using 'eighty and twenty'.

Cao Xingcheng said that Taiwan ’s current criminal proceedings completely violate the principle of“ doing the first right ”. After the prosecution defeated the prosecution in the first instance of the local court, the content of the prosecution in the first instance of the first instance could not be automatically moved, and they could automatically automatically can automatically automatically.Appeal to the second trial.This kind of "defective prosecution content" that has been rejected by the judge of the prefecture's court has since been wandering in the court for a long time, paralyzing judicial efficiency and ugly judicial image. ThereforeFor new evidences or new charges, otherwise the defendant cannot be sued again, so as not to cause the defendant's secondary crisis (Double Jeopardy) to infringe its human rights.

In terms of professionalism and division of labor, Cao Xingcheng pointed out that police officers in Taiwan have been investigated and trained, and the focus of prosecutors training lies in law.However, the number of police officers and police officers is about 70,000, but the number of prosecutors is less than 2,000. At present, the prosecutor is fully organized by the prosecutor to investigate the criminal case, which is completely inconsistent with the principles of professional division of labor and effective allocation of resources.In this regard, he advocated that the police officer should be investigated and hosted a minor criminal investigation. This will not violate public opinion, but also greatly improve the effectiveness of criminal investigation.

As for the division and civilization, and reduce the burden of judicial system work, Cao Xingcheng said that police officers and police officers are currently busy with heavy work and heavy load.Civil compensation.For example, sex transactions in 2011 have been divided, but the except of sin is limited to the sexual industrial zone, but local governments have not yet set up a area.In this regard, he suggested that the central government should assist the local government to promote the establishment of the sexual industrial zone, so as to prevent police resources from ignoring the pirates of the Jiangyang, and wasted to control Yingying Yanyan.

Cao Xingcheng also gives examples. During the election, politicians are busy with each other and slander, and it is impossible to consume many judicial resources.He suggested that the crime of defamation should be changed to civil cases, one saves judicial resources, and the other can be severely punished by the offenders' financially punishment, so it has more curb slander effects.

As for the principle of "eighty and twenty", Cao Xingcheng said that in any "country" judicial system, there are inevitable dinosaur judges and prosecutors abuse.The appearance will seriously affect judicial efficiency and prestige.In this regard, he suggested that the quality management principle of 80/20 should promote the jury system for judges and prosecutors who have poor wind reviews to avoid their specialty and reduce the phenomenon of judicial officers or abuse of power.

Cao Xingcheng also pointed out that one of the reasons for the slow progress of judicial reform in the past was that it was recommended that the judicial system reform by itself, but the results were not effective.He believes that the main battlefield that improves the judiciary is not in the court, but in the Legislative Yuan.He hopes that the legislators will pay attention to the judicial sovereignty of the people to infringe on the people. Therefore, it is urged to revise the criminal proceedings law and other improper regulations to obstruct the judicial justice as soon as possible to keep it up with the pace of democracy and science.

Cao Xingcheng wrote at the end of the article that they combined enthusiastic scholars and lawyers to establish the Taiwan Citizen Human Rights Alliance to provide free legal consulting services.EssenceIt is also hoped that all sectors of society can give encouragement and support so that future judicial reforms will no longer be time -consuming, but it means that it can be treated.

In order to residue the current judicial system of Taiwan as the authoritarian system, it is not consistent with the principle of modern democratic social sovereignty in the people.The representative of the department Chen Weixiang and other people with a consciousness of reform jointly launched a group of Taiwan Citizen Human Rights Alliance (TCLU), hoping to use modern management concepts and principles to promote judicial reform, and officially announced its establishment on Friday (17th).