The Taiwan Marine Corps said that the two rifle components that had been lost before have been retrieved.

According to the Taiwan Central News Agency, the Navy said on Thursday (March 16) that under the perseverance of inspections, two T-91 rifles have been found in the camp and transferred the evidence to the evidence and transferred the evidenceJudicial and investigated.

The Navy said that it will cooperate with the judicial investigation, review it with an open mind, continue to strictly rectify the discipline of manual bombs, and prevent such things from happening.

The Taiwan Navy's Marine Corps has recently appeared in the military discipline. A pistol of Longquan New Training Center was enclosed into a model gun and two T-91 rifle machines of the Nine-ninth Brigade of the Marine War were lost.The Taiwan National Defense Minister Qiu Guozheng said on Wednesday that the Ministry of Defense will handle project treatment and let out that "many people will be held, and he will definitely let him lose his head."