According to the official statistics of Taiwan, the total bilateral trade between Taiwan and India reached US $ 6.36 billion last year, an increase of 27 % year -on -year. In contrast to the US $ 500 million in the 1990s, it grew up as high as 13 times.

Compared to the continuous warming economic and trade exchanges, Taiwan India's interaction on politics and strategic levels is much relatively cold.

Experts and scholars who are interviewed by Lianhe Zaobao believe that Taiwan India is highly difficult to improve strategic cooperation in the short term. It is recommended to start with information sharing and think tank exchanges to warm up for political interaction.

The strong Bollywood music rang, hundreds of Indians gathered the Holi Festival last weekend (also known as the Red Festival; the important festivals of Indians and Hinduists are second only to the second only to the second only to the status.The Demon Festival), they sing and dance, sprayed with color pigments in their hands, and bathed in the colorful world regardless of men, women, and children.However, it is not a big city in India, but the Green River River Park on the left bank of Xintianxi, New Tai, Taiwan.

We have hosted this activity for the Indian community living in Taiwan six years ago. The number of participants has increased every year, and the response is very enthusiastic.Manoj Kriplani, who assisted the event, told Lianhe Zaobao in Chinese and English.Manki from New Delhi, India, has lived in Taiwan for 13 years.

The Taiwan color festival originated in 2012.In order to eliminate Taiwan's negative stereotypes in India and enhance the people's understanding of Indian culture, the famous restaurant in Taipei Ma Youyou Indian kitchen owner Mayur Srivastava (not a famous American cello) in the United States) initiated a color festival, giving Taiwanese a chance to see this.In recent years, it has attracted more and more Indian groups and organizations to participate and strong support in recent years.

The scale of the color festival has grown year by year, which not only means that the Indians living in Taiwan have increased steadily, but also reflect the stable stable but complicated factors in mainland China and India in China.Signs of development and worship.

Xinnan direction meets the east of East Economic and Trade.

Taiwan and India, which do not have formal diplomatic relations, first set up representative offices in 1995. The relationship between the two parties is friendly and stable, but the non -jumping forward has a rapid progress.

The first 10 years after Taiwan and India set up the office was very low -key, mainly because neither party knew each other, and had no common interests.In addition, the relationship between India and mainland China is very complicated, so India is very low -key in dealing with Taiwan, and Taiwan does not see India as an important target of interaction.Chen Mumin, a professor at the Institute of International Political Research and the International Division of the International Political Research Office of Taiwan, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post.Chen Mumin is one of the few scholars in Taiwan who studied Indian affairs.

The situation did not change until 2006.Chen Mu Min explained: (then the general secretary of the Communist Party of China) Hu Jintao's interviewed India that year, the border issues of the two sides originally slowed down, but after that, the conflict between the two sides became violent, and India looked at Taiwan as the object that could be cooperated, and LSQUO;The concept of rsquo; the concept of RSQUO; Taiwan thinks that India can be an opportunity, especially to do business, so at this time, Taiwan and India actively explore the possibility of cooperation.

The BRICS Four Kingdoms originally refers to Brazil, Russia, India and mainland China. South Africa joined in 2010 and became the five BRICS countries.

Indeed, India is the fastest -growing economy in the world. The growth rate of GDP each year is higher than 7 %. In addition, India has 1.3 billion people, with an average age of 29 years.It is the place where the soldiers of the world's major countries must compete.

During the administration of President Chen Shui -bian, Taiwan has encouraged enterprises to lay off in India. However, due to the Indian government's institutional architecture stacked bed shelf house, and governments at all levels are poorly efficient, and the local unions are strong, and various factors have formed unknown risks to commercial activities.Taiwanese companies have always been wrapped.

According to the Bank of World Bank's business convenience assessment, India ranks 100th among 190 economies around the world, and Taiwan ranks 15th.

Tight economic and trade interaction

After the transition, after the Indian Prime Minister Modi came to power in 2014, he continued to propose a number of policies such as the Make in India smart city.Enterprises, as well as goals such as improving labor quality.

In addition, after the current DPP President Tsai Ing -wen took office the previous year, Taiwan began to promote the new southbound policy covering 18 countries in Southeast Asia and South Asia to bid farewell to the phenomenon of over -reliance on the Chinese mainland market.The focus of the South direction coincides with India's eastward policy.

Under the increasingly close economic and trade interaction of Taiwan and India, according to the official statistics of Taiwan, the total bilateral trade reached US $ 6.36 billion (S $ 8.36 billion) last year, not only the year -on -year increase of 27 %, but also grown 13 times compared with the US $ 500 million in the 1990s.As far as the trade amount is concerned, India was the 17th major trading partner in Taiwan in 2016, and made a progress from 2015.

It is worth noting that in the past four years, the Modi government has signed five cooperation documents to make the total number of cooperation agreements between the two parties reached 15, including a memorandum of cooperation between SMEs and agriculture.Taiyin is currently negotiating on issues such as industrial cooperation and financial supervision, and the two parties are also exploring and signing cooperation documents similar to a free trade agreement.

Chen Mumin said: India is very interested in Taiwan. He hopes that he can get more investment from Taiwan. He also hopes that Taiwan -India's trade volume can increase. Because India depends too much on trade in China, it hopes to balance.For Taiwan, investing in India can also disperse risks.

Data from the Ministry of Commerce of the Mainland show that the bilateral trade volume of China -India in the first half of last year reached 40.62 billion US dollars, an increase of 23 % year -on -year, which was more than five times higher than that of the total annual trade in Taiwan and India.

Taiwan set up an investment window in India last year

Seeing the huge space for economic and trade cooperation in Taiwan and India, it has announced that it will be doubled to help Taiwanese businessmen enter the Tsai Ing -wen government of India. In May last year, a Taiwan investment window was set up at the Indian representative office to benefit Taiwanese businessmen to invest in India.So far, there are more than a hundred Taiwanese businessmen who have deployed in India, including the planned to invest 60 billion rupees (about S $ 1.6 billion) in the Garval MDASH MDASH of Mumbai, India;Foxconn.

Although the number of Taiwanese businessmen in India is still far less than 100,000 in mainland China and the 25,000 of Southeast Asia, it is slowly and steadily climbing.A high -level high -level house revealed that Taiwanese public enterprises inject a huge investment in the port of Mondla, India, India.

Taiwan is waiting for India to play Taiwan cards?

Compared to the continuous warming economic and trade exchanges between the two parties, Taiwan India's interaction on politics and strategic levels is relatively cold.

Liu Qifeng, a Taiwanese scholar who taught at the University of Faorim in India last year, used the public data of the eastward entrance policy to the eastward entrance policy last year. New Delhi and East and Southeast Asian countries analyzed the overall political, economic, and social relationships.The results showed that the frequency of interaction between Taiwan and India was only 7 % of Japan, 14 % of Singapore, 20 % of Thailand, and 32 % of South Korea.Liu Qifeng pointed out that India often moves out of a Chinese policy to regulate political exchanges with Taipei, which shows the negative attitude of New Delhi.

India will think, if I jump down to play with you, whose losses are relatively large?In the end, it may be Taiwan, because there is a breakthrough in diplomatic, but India may suffer.Although India and Mainland China have an uncoordinated part in politics, should India do business in China?want.Should India want the Chinese market?want.If I am Modi, I will not take this insurance to start any political or diplomatic relations with Taiwan.When asked about the strategic distance between Taiwan and India, as the Deputy Association of the Friendship Association of the Congress of Taiwan and IndiaThe analysis of the KMT legislators Xu Yuren was interviewed by the United Morning Post.

Hindu Hindu Scholars: Taiwan and India's Politics and Strategy Exchange Opportunities have come

However, from the perspective of some hard -line Indian scholars, at this time, it was the opportunity to strengthen political and strategic exchanges.

Senior Researcher Tripesh Singh Maini, an international university in India, wrote an article with another scholar last year on a modern European diplomatic website, calling on India to end foreign policies to avoid committing offense in Beijing.Details.He wrote: The interaction between India and Taiwan should not be passive, nor should they look at the strategic connection with Taiwan from the perspective of the mainland.Beijing should not guide the exchanges between New Delhi and Taipei.

At the same time, the Indian media also launched a series of pro -Taiwan analysis and comments last year, pointing out that Taiwan and India are facing the threat of mainland China. Since Beijing does not rule out the martial arts against Taiwan, New Delhi has long been trapped with Beijing for a long time.Specific measures to promote cooperation in the safety field.

With this wave of public opinion, the outside world naturally wants to play the Taiwanese card to India, or even operate the Taiwan issue to fight against mainland China.

India operates Taiwanese cards?

In response to the Taiwan card, the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs only said in response to the Lianhe Morning Post asking for questions. As one of the members of the Asia -Pacific region, Taiwan is the same as those in the region.EssenceThe Indian representative office in Taiwan did not respond to the interview requirements of this newspaper.

When the Assistant Professor of the University of International Research, the University of Islamic University, Saheli Chattaraj, who was paying attention to the University of Islamic University, in response to this newspaper, this newspaper believed that although Beijing has repeatedly used veto to deal with India, it has violated India's trust. After allIt has established a policy of pursuing a Chinese China and unintentionally using Taiwan's issues to challenge Beijing, and it will not affect regional stability.

Mainland China has maintained a close political and economic relationship with Indian enemy Pakistan for many years, and as one of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, the mainland has repeatedly prevented Pakistan's radical organization Masood Azhar in sanctions.List, annoying India.If India intends to use Taiwan as a bargain, this will definitely touch the red line of the mainland.Beijing has always been unhappy to see the relationship between New Delhi and Taiwan. When a group of Taiwan legislators visited India last year, Beijing warned India to respect and understand the core concerns of China, adhere to a Chinese principle, deal with Taiwan -related issues carefully, maintain Sino -Indian relations relations, and maintain China -India relations.Healthy and stable development.

The interviewed Taiwanese scholars did not think that India was operating the Taiwan issue.Chen Mumin said: I don't think India has the ability to play Taiwanese cards because it has little cooperation with Taiwan.Assuming that the two parties need to carry out safety or strategic cooperation, they are not to do it, because the two parties lack tacit understanding and communication.In my opinion, the relationship between India and Taiwan is hot, because India is more confident in himself and is not afraid of Beijing's pressure.

Scholars: First establish a strategic relationship from information sharing and think tank exchanges

Although the Taiwan India faces the challenges from mainland China, Fang Tianci, assistant professor of the Social Affairs Institute of Tsinghua University, who was once stationed in India, was interviewed by the Assistant Professor of the Social Institute of General Education Center in Tsinghua University.Based on the joint imagination of third parties, let alone the relationship between the mainland and India is constantly changing.

Fang Tianci pointed out that although it is difficult to improve strategic cooperation in the short term, he suggested that Taiwan India can start with information sharing and think tank exchanges.He said: India is very concerned about Chinese leaders, and Taiwan has research on this aspect, so these related emotional compensation can be used for communication.

According to a biography of the Dalai Lama second brother Jialeton Pearl: The Dalai Lama second brother's memoir, Taiwan India has actually carried out intelligence cooperation since the former president of Taiwan President Chiang Kai -shek. The cooperation relationship has continued to this day.Even if the two countries have no formal diplomatic relations.

Official interaction is observation indicator

Chen Mumin believes that if there are some active soldiers visiting each other, I think it is actually meaningful; because small -scale military exchanges are beneficial to Taiwan and India.A while ago, there was public opinion that India intends to send military officers to Taiwan for the first time, but the incident was not available later.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Taiwan Taiwan only responded: we are happy to see the substantial cooperation and exchanges between the development of the two countries in Taiwan and India.

Official interaction is also another observation indicator.Earlier, the official interaction between Taiwan and India was limited to technical officials at the level, but at the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of India led a group to visit Taiwan, setting a record for India's highest level officials.It is worth mentioning that Modi also visited Taiwan as the Secretary -General of the Indian People's Party in 1999 and became the only Indian leader who had visited Taiwan.

Scholars: The alliance that can be developed

As for the possibility of other strategic cooperation, Indian scholar Sha Haili proposed Taiwan to invest in the Indian defense industry, while Xu Yuren suggested that the DPP government grasped India and another important allies in Taiwan to resist the free corridor plan for discussing the development of the mainland in the mainland area and formed.Some kind of Taiwan -Japan seal alliance.

Chen Mumin also echoed this point: Taiwan and India's relations can establish a degree of relationships to Taiwan and Japan, that is, lsquo; hidden alliance rsquo; (Silent Ally), but it takes a long time. Although it is less than a formal diplomatic relationship, there canVery close cooperation.

Indian son -in -law in Taiwan

In 2003, India, Manoj Kriplani, came to Taiwan from his hometown of New Delhi to learn Chinese. As a result, he fell in love with this land.For more than 10 years, he has not only worked hard in Taipei, but also prepared to marry his girlfriend this year and become a Taiwanese son -in -law.

I originally started to study Chinese at the East Asian Studies Department of the University of Delhi, and later had the opportunity to go abroad for study.At that time, many students chose to go to China, but the Taipei Representative Office of New Delhi was just promoting Chinese education. I became the first Indian student to study Chinese in Taiwan.Manki said in an interview.

After the one -year course, Manky returned to India, but felt a lack of heart, only to find that he missed Taiwan, so he decided to come to Taiwan again.In order to give full play to the advantages of Chinese and business, Manovaki decided to stay in Taiwan to find job opportunities after graduation.Due to the proficiency of Chinese, English, and four Indian language, Manki's expertise and identity have made him an important promoter for Taiwanese -funded enterprises to enter the Indian market.

Manica, who is currently serving in a Taiwan land development enterprise, is assisting the company to develop a science and technology park in India. It is expected that the soil will be moved at the end of this year. After completion, it is expected that 40 or 50 Taiwanese enterprises will enter.

Of course, career is not the only reason why Mano is in Taiwan.The people here are very friendly and kind. The most important thing is that the people here respect each other.I never feel that I am a foreigner here.

Even so, Manki still feels that Taiwanese are unfamiliar with India and even prejudice.The news media often reports to India's negative news, like several previous rape cases.I was asked at the MRT why there were so many rape cases in India.

In order to enhance the understanding of the Taiwanese's understanding of India and reverse the negative impression, Manki has held a series of cultural activities, such as the beautiful color festival, along with other Indian friends who live in Taiwan a few years ago.As the scale of the event expands year by year, they simply organize the Taipei Indian Cultural Committee this year to make more organizational related activities in the future.

Lai Yixuan (35 years old), who has been with Manki for six years, also believes that in order to enhance Taiwan's people's understanding of India, it should start with diet, culture, and movies.Lai Yixuan met his fiance at a Bollywood film screening event.

However, the understanding is two -way. Fang Tianci, assistant professor of the Social Institute of General Education Center of Tsinghua University in Taiwan, pointed out that Taiwan should also play soft power to let more Indian people know Taiwan.For example, because India and mainland China have close economic and trade exchanges, and Indian border defense also wants to understand Chinese. India needs Chinese learning needs for Chinese learningThere is a starting point here in Taiwan. By setting up more Chinese language promotion centers, it plays a more active role in India.

In 2011, the Indian government opened the middle school of Chinese schools to take Chinese language, and it was unable to popularize due to teachers.However, because of the inconsistent relationship with mainland China, India is not happy to see the Confucius Institute in the mainland entered the country.In this case, Taiwan's Chinese teachers are welcomed by India. The Ministry of Education entrusted Taiwan Qingda to set up a professor in Chinese education in India University. At present, seven bases have been established.

Lin Shaoyang, a Taiwanese language teacher who is currently teaching at the Global University of India, said in an interview with Taiwan Guanghua Magazine: In fact, the task of the Taiwan Chinese Education Center is not just to teach Chinese, but to make them like Taiwan, which is more important than teaching Chinese.