Former President Ma Ying -jeou in Taiwan today arrived at the late Kaohsiung City Council ’s chief Chen Tian anchoring hall. The Chen family thanked Ma Ying -jeou to make a special trip to the south, and also cared about Mrs. Zhou Meiqing's current situation and someone wanting Zhou Meiqing to run. Ma Ying -jeou heard the election.He shook his hand and said: I didn't even dare to mention it.

According to the Taiwan United News Network, Ma Ying -jeou was accompanied by the legislator Huang Zhaoshun to the Lingtang of the Chen family in the Lingtang of the self -house building, and then talked to the family of Chen Tian anchors to talk about the respectful behavior of the old speaker.Asked about Zhou Meiqing's recent situation, mentioning someone in the election of someone Gong Meiqing.

I didn't even dare to mention it.Ma Ying -jeou shook his head again, and a little bit bitterly avoided talking about Zhou Meiqing's election.

In 2016, some people arched Zhou Meiqing for the president. Last year, when talking about Taipei Mayor's election, some people mentioned Zhou Meiqing.Huang Zhaoshun said that everyone likes Zhou Meiqing.Ma Ying -jeou smiled when he heard it.