Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou's office said today (9) that the disagreement from mainland China visited the former President Ma President on the afternoon of the 7th and talked about cross -strait issues such as one country.Under the premise of democracy, it will be accepted by the people of Taiwan.

According to media reports, Wang Xizhe recently visited Ma Ying -jeou in Taiwan as a close part of the strait, and conveyed that Beijing hopes to replace the message of one country, one country, two systems, and obtain a response to Ma.

According to Wind Media reports, in this regard, Malaysian Office admits that under the arrangement and accompaniment of the Professor Huang Guangguo of the National Taiwan University, Wang Xizhe did visit Ma Ying -jeou at 4.40 pm on the 7th, but the meeting time was only 30 minutes.However, the office has not been mentioned at all, and the office has recording as evidence.

Ma Office said that Ma Ying -jeou and Professor Huang were originally consciousnesses, and after Ma stepped down, they had seen the mainland objections or democratic movements in exile overseas.

The Malaysian Office also restores the meeting process of the day.Ma Office pointed out that at the beginning, Wang Xizhe stated that he was currently settled in the United States. He said that after he issued a double ten declaration with Liu Xiaobo on October 10, 1996, Liu was arrested. Therefore, he fled to Hong Kong and then moved to the United States.It has been unable to return to mainland China for more than 20 years.

Wang Xizhe said that he has been paying attention to cross -strait affairs for a long time. He also came to Taiwan to give a lecture last September, advocating that cross -strait Zhou Enlai who should return to Mao Jiang's era to promote the foundation of cross -strait negotiations and promote peaceful unity.Continue to advance in this direction.

Wang Xizhe also said that the Taiwan independence forces now advocate that Japan is the master country and believes that he is a Japanese, the so -called emperor and Taiwan independence, which will cause the mainland to be dissatisfied.

For Wang Xizhe's statement, Ma Ying -jeou was surprised and did not happen.Ma said that the person who advocates Taiwan independence really feels that he is in Taiwan and has nothing to do with Japan. It is not the Japanese who rule Taiwan now. Now that Taiwan is democratized, the DPP has been in power for the second time. Who is now?What about colonial?Nowadays, they are all local. This so -called colonial rule and Taiwan independence are all the claims of Huangmin Taiwan independence.

At the meeting, Wang Xizhe also mentioned cross -strait relations. Wang said that the good system proposed by the former Kuomintang chairman Lien Chan is the most suitable approach to cross -strait relations.

In this regard, Ma Ying -jeou said that when the former president Jiang Jingguo met the foreign guests, he responded to the statement of one country, two systems, and the first chairman.Ma believes that for Taiwan, the best thing is to maintain the status quo. Unity is not unable to talk, but this is a future, and it depends on the atmosphere at the time.Afraid.

However, Ma Ying -jeou also said that Wang Xizhe looked forward to the concept of peace and democracy in the mainland, and also respected Wang to unify the two sides of the strait as soon as possible, but he emphasized that the unity of the two sides of the strait must be under the premise of peace and democracy.The unified plan proposed by the mainland must be accepted by the people of Taiwan.

In the end, Wang Xizhe once again reiterated his views on Japanese rule and Huangmin Taiwan independence, emphasizing that the people in the mainland have such an illusion.But Ma Ying -jeou joked that Mr. Wang, then your task is to eliminate such an illusion, because it is really wrong.