Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen visited Ajit Manocha, the Global President and CEO of the International Semiconductor Industry Association this morning.She emphasized that Taiwan is now recognizing one of the most dynamic markets in the world. The government will continue to work hard to make Taiwan the best investment place in the world.

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, Tsai Ing -wen pointed out that Taiwan is now recognized as one of the most vibrant markets in the world. In the past few weeks, the announcement of the "Japan Economic News" specifically pointed out that the Taiwan PMI index reached a new high over the years, surpassing the high over the years, surpassing the years, surpassing the over the years, surpassing the over the years, surpassing the over the years.Japan, South Korea, and Singapore; important semiconductor companies such as TSMC, Sun Moonlight, Huabang Electronics, ASML, and Meiguang have also increased their investment in Taiwan.She believes that these important investment will continue the domestic prosperity and international competitiveness of Taiwan.

Tsai Ing -wen emphasizes that the government will continue to work hard to make Taiwan the best investment place in the world. I hope that in the future, more international semiconductor operators can come to Taiwan to set up a research and development center or production base.At the time of the meeting, President Manoha mentioned that he hopes to set up a think tank in Taiwan; if there is any need, the Taiwan government will fully provide assistance, "looking forward to hearing good news soon."

News connection:

Viewing different Taiwan Judge arrested prosecutors in court

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, the female prosecutor of the Zhuang Procuratorate of the Changhua District Procuratorate investigated a major criminal case, arguing that the suspect was involved in the case and had a string of evidence to escape.When Judge Chen held a detention court, the prosecutor of Zhuang came to court to discuss the court. The two parties argued about the crime law and evidence. Judge Chen seemed to insist on different opinions.When they were all moved, Judge Chen even announced his arrest in court, and the female prosecutor was stunned on the spot.

The incident was spreading, causing the French community to be uproar. The Prosecutor Lin Hanqiang, the prosecutor of the Changhua District Procuratorate, has rushed to the court to understand the situation, and the court was also busy.

The legal world said that the judge's arrest of the prosecutor in court was a very incredible move, because the prosecutor was a report on behalf of the Prosecutor's Office to the court.According to the Criminal Procedure Law, the judge has no right to arrest the prosecutor in court.If the two parties can't argue, the judge believes that the prosecutor is unreasonable, and he can announce the temporary seller, ease the emotions, or ask the local procuratorate to replace the prosecutor to the court.