One of the authors of the super limited war Wang Xiangsui is also a former Air Force of the Chinese PLA. He pointed out that the street movement on Hong Kong has the characteristics of over -limits, that is, to achieve the goal with non -war means.Strike Hong Kong as the World Financial Center.

(Hong Kong News) Some scholars in mainland China believe that the Hong Kong's anti -repair campaign has the characteristics of super limits, that is, to achieve the goal with non -war means, and the final result will not be like Ukraine, but in the Hong Kong model to solve the current currently solve the current currentquestion.

The Hong Kong Ming Pao published an exclusive interview with Wang Xiangsui, director of the Strategic Issues Research Center of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics yesterday.

One of the authors of over -limited warfare is also Wang Xiangsui, a former Air Force of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, pointed out that Hong Kong's street movement has the characteristics of over -limited warfare, that is, to achieve the goal with non -war.Strike Hong Kong as the World Financial Center.

Wang Xiangsui pointed out that the over -limited war means transcending the war in the military field. The combat law includes not only the super military levels such as diplomacy, network, intelligence, psychology, and technology, but also reflected in finance, trade, resources, scholars, regulations, sanctions, sanctions, and sanctions, and sanctions.Media and ideological areas.

The Hong Kong's anti -repair campaign, including surrounding police station, paralysis airport, and network mobilization, seems to be in line with the characteristics of over -limits.

Capital will flow to more secure places

Wang Xiangsui believes that a series of street movements broke out in Hong Kong were determined by Hong Kong as the world's financial center and the largest offshore center status.

It (demonstration) does not seem to be military, but it can have a great impact on the development of Hong Kong and the entire China, forming a new ulcer surface. This ulcer surface will make China uncomfortable.

He explained that under the global unified financial system, the capital of differential flow can bring benefits and cause damage.The street movement leads to social turmoil, which will quickly flow capital to a safer place.In this regard, after Hong Kong, a single economic structure, will only be reduced to ordinary cities after being peeled into the financial attributes of capital loss, and the citizens of Shengdou will be affected.

For example, he said that some time ago, Saudi Aramco, a oil company Saudi Arabia, was ready to go public. Hong Kong was one of the three alternative land. Now I think Hong Kong is being excluded.

On the other hand, Wang Xiangsui also believes that the street movement in Hong Kong has a certain connection with the subversion of Ukraine and Egypt.Propaganda materials are the same as Ukraine and Egypt. This is related to the organizational training behind it. A set of textbooks taught three places.

However, he claims that these three places are different. For example, in terms of funds, the Ukrainian incident has a U.S. helicopter with a container to install US banknote to pay for street violence.This has not been found in Hong Kong, but it may be through the banking system, or white gloves.

Wang Xiangsui also said that Hong Kong and Ukraine and Egypt are different due to geopolitics. The results must be different; Ukraine is a country, and Hong Kong is just an international city.question.However, it was not mentioned in the report of what is the Hong Kong model.

In response to the problems facing Hong Kong now, Wang Xiangsui said that when Hong Kong returned to China in 1997, the central government did not touch the judicial system left by the entire British.category.

He emphasized that at that time, the central government ignored the judicial system that might have a negative impact, which caused the current judge to maintain the legal system today, not based on world practices to restore order as the main purpose.Conflict and contradictions of public welfare and personal rights.

He said: For example, if I can make trouble on the streets, I can actually not be punished. Even if the police are arrested, the judge will bail or judge lightly.