The Hong Kong police launched anti -crime and anti -triple -in -law operations in various districts in Hong Kong at the end of April, assaulting a number of illegal places and black spots in crimes, arrested 225 people, and seized a small amount of weapons, drugs and a lot of gambling.User.

According to the Sing Tao Daily, the Hong Kong police have organized crimes and the three -in -law investigation of the Federation of Science and Technology and the major regions.Action of anti -crime and anti -triple -in -thoroughs.In the past few days, the police arrested a total of 225 people, including 141 men and 84 women. They were between 15 and 87 years old, including 71 non -Chinese people.

It is reported that men and women are arrested for injuries, offensive weapons, unlicensed wine, operating gambling venues, trafficking dangerous drugs, black money laundering, public local illegal fighting, illegal assembly and other crimesPeople have been sentenced to prosecution.

In addition, there are organizational crimes and the three -in -three investigation department, and the West Kowloon Region joint personnel and the entry department staff on Saturday (April 29) launched a joint law enforcement operation code -named "Sahara" in Tsim Sha Tsui District.Focus on the crimes of crime black spots and crackdown on triad activities and illegal black workers.

The Hong Kong police emphasized that cracking down on the triad activities is one of the primary operations projects of the Police Department.Essence