The Hong Kong Legislative Council passed the draft of the regulations (vocational and healthy) of the regulations of the 2022 Vocational Safety and Health Laws (Miscellaneous Revision) in 2022, and convicted the public prosecution procedure.10,000 yuan (Hong Kong dollars, the same below, S $ 1.7 million).

Comprehensive China New News Agency and Sing Tao Daily reported that the Hong Kong Government announced that the number of fatal industrial accidents in Hong Kong in the past 10 years has been maintained at about 20 each year without a downward trend.Society generally believes that one of the reasons is that the penalty of violations of the laws of duty and health is low, failed to reflect the severity of the crimes, and failed to have sufficient deterioration effect on the offenders.

The DC and Health Regulations have not been reviewed for more than 20 years. After the repairs, the serious crimes can be tried in higher level courts.It has been raised to two years.The financial information of the convicted person must be considered when quiting court quinity.As for the conviction with simple procedures, the maximum penalties of employers and employees were increased to 3 million yuan and 150,000 yuan, respectively; the time limit for prosecution was also extended from 6 months to 9 months.

Sun Yuzheng, the director of the Hong Kong Labor and Welfare Bureau, and the members of the Labor and the Labor, saw the media after the meeting, and said that the repair was an important step in Hong Kong's on -the -job security.The spirit of cooperation between the three parties, that is, the Hong Kong Government, the labor, and the management work together. For the overall interests of Hong Kong and the security of the majority of "migrant workers", seek common ground while depositing, and find consensus and move forward. "This is a good demonstration in the new era of good governance."

A number of Legislative Council also said that this repair is a milestone in Hong Kong's professional security development. The process reflects mutual trust in all parties and hopes that in the future, it will continue to carry forward this benign interactive culture.

Sun Yuzheng said on the radio program on Thursday (20th) that he was quite happy to have been approved. Although the amount of the fine was lower than the initial proposed 50 million yuan, the scaredness was quite sufficient.

Sun Yuzheng described the process of repairing the process like a "roller coaster", although the process was thrilling, but finally safely reached the end.This draft will be officially implemented on the 28th of this month, and there will be a large number of publicity and inspections in the future.He reiterated that the major principles of the proposal to revise the draft in the past are that it cannot affect the scaryness of the regulations, allowing the public to pay more attention to the security of the public. Punishment is the last step, and the most fundamental is to prevent industrial accidents from occurring.