Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said that the Hong Kong Government is examining the situation of people in various industries and will give priority to handling the shortage of manpower facing the construction and transportation industry.

According to the Hong Kong News Agency, Hong Kong society has reported that there are shortages of labor in multiple industries, and the Hong Kong government intends to relax the input of foreign workers.The Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said before seeing a reporter before the Executive Assembly (April 4) that the lack of manpower has an impact on social services and also affects Hong Kong's competitiveness.Various policy bureaus of the Hong Kong Government are reviewing the shortage of manpower in various industries. The construction and transportation industry will give priority to handling, and to announce the human strategy of the industry in the middle of this year.

Li Jiachao said that the Hong Kong Government is very concerned about the problem of insufficient labor, especially the construction and transportation industry, and also noticed that the construction of the construction industry estimates that the industry has 10,000 to 15,000 people.question.Insufficient manpower will affect the services accepted by citizens and also affect the competitiveness of the world. The Hong Kong government must make Hong Kong maintain competitiveness and compete with the world.

Li Jiachao emphasized that if you finally consider entering foreign workers, it will also ensure local employment, including ensuring wages; officials will also strengthen local training and work hard in re -training plans and professional training.

According to the current supplementary labor plan of the Hong Kong Labor Office, the salary must be equivalent to the median of the monthly salary of similar positions in Hong Kong workers through the planned labor plan.Workers have gained the difference according to labor laws.

As for the number of workers needed in the short term, Li Jiachao pointed out that the actual situation and operational considerations will be submitted to the relevant policy bureau analysis and decision, including the number of demand, the specific arrangements in time.