The Hong Kong economic epidemic began to recover, and some people were intense industry initiative to enter foreign workers to relieve.However, more than 60 % of the interviewees in the Federation of Industry and Industry showed that more than 60 % of the respondents believed that the industry was missing, and more than half of them did not agree with the expansion of the input of foreign workers.Huang Guo, chairman of the Federation of Industry and Legislative Council, pointed out that the problem of the shortage of manpower in the industry is "artificial low and poor welfare."

According to the online media "Hong Kong 01" report, the survey results released by the Hong Kong Federation of Industry and Industry on Sunday (March 19) showed that the 9031 various rows interviewed through questionnaires this month through questionnaires this monthAmong the workers in various industries, more than 60%of them believed that the industry was missing, but 53.7%of the respondents bluntly said that they did not agree and did not agree with the expansion of the input of foreign workers to supplement their labor.

The survey results show that 51.2%of the respondents believe that the shortage of manpower is dueLoss, 23.5%believe that young people are unwilling to enter the industry.

Huang Guo believes that the main point of "no one to do" is that the main cruise of the salary and working conditions are not good.Qiu Yaocheng, the vice chairman of the Federation of Industry and Rights and interests committees, also pointed out that many workers have reported that the "five people workload and three people do" are currently increasing.

Huang Guo pointed out that information of the Hong Kong Government Statistics Department shows that the current labor population in Hong Kong is about 3.76 million, but the labor participation rate is only 57.9%, which is far lower than Singapore and Macau.He urged the government to study and analyze the reasons for the low labor participation rate of Hong Kong, adopt more active and targeted measures to improve local labor benefits and excavations and release labor, and then consider expanding the input of foreign workers.

For the construction industry that is particularly short of people, Tang Hao, the director of the Hong Kong Construction Industry Federation of Trade Unions, also suggested that the Hong Kong government should strengthen training and start more courses for workers to master one or more technologies.At the same time, actively promote the upgrading of Hong Kong's industry, improve technology applications, and improve the efficiency of overall labor production.

Tang Hao said that there was a situation of "dying for a while, starving to death".With the end of the epidemic, a large number of government projects have begun to advance. It is expected that about 30,000 projects will be carried out in the next 10 years. It is recommended that government projects be launched in stages to avoid being grabbed at the same time as a large number of private development projects.Handle.