Zou Xingtong, vice chairman of the Democratic Organization of the Hong Kong Democratic Organization Federation, was accused of being convicted that he had not submitted the relevant information of the organization that he had not followed the rules of the National Security Law.

Comprehensive reports of the Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily Ming Pao and other reports, Zou Xingtong, vice chairman of the Branch Federation, and Deng Yuejun, Liang Jinwei, Chen Duowei and Xu Hansuang of the branch of the branch federation., Submit the organization related information required by the police.

The Hong Kong National Security Law designated judge and director Rhoda Spring on Saturday (March 4) in the West Kowloon Court that the police legally issued a notice in the case, and the defendants deliberately did not provide information, so they sentenced Zou Xingtong to, Deng Yuejun and Xu Hanguang were convicted.

The case was posted after the next Saturday (March 11). During the period of Deng Yuejun and Xu Hanguang's bail, Zou Xingtong continued to be repaid on another case.

The Hong Kong Police National Security Office was on August 25 the previous year.The Standing Committee issued a notice to obtain information on the financial and activities of the branch association. Among them, the five personnel were charged with the case of "not complied with the provisions of the notification provisions to provide information".S $ 7100).Zou Xingtong and other three were not pleaded guilty. The former member of the Standing Committee Liang Jinwei and former officer Chen Duowei pleaded guilty and had been served for three months.

Zou Xingtong said in court that the Federation will be an independent civic social group managed by Hong Kong people. Cases of her and the branch association are equivalent to "political persecution."

She said that the existence of independent organizations such as Zhilian will check the power of balance, which is important to the security of a country, not a threat.

In addition, the defense also demanded that the Hong Kong police accused the Hong Kong police accusing the representative of the foreign organization, but the prosecution applied for the "Public Interest Rights (PII)" and used the reputationOrganizations and sources refuse to disclose relevant information to prevent the police from investigating the direction; the defense questioned that the identity of the above organization is public information, and there is no need to conceal it. The police's actions will also make the defense unable to defend, resulting in unfair interrogation.