Hong Kong talents have affected the medical industry, and the official will go to the UK to "grab talents" next month, attracting Hong Kong students who study in the local area to return.

According to the "Hong Kong 01" report, Lu Chongmao, the director of the Hong Kong Medical and Health Bureau, admitted in an interview that various factors such as immigration tide have caused a shortage of manpower in the medical community in Hong Kong. At present, there are only two doctors per 1,000 people.It is lower than Singapore's 2.8 and 3 low European and American countries.He said: "The problem of manpower shortage in Hong Kong has immigration factors to a certain extent, and there are many reasons such as social and political environment."

The latest figures show that as of October last year8.1%, while the nurse's loss rate is 10.7%.In addition, according to the account information of the budget case, the medical career of the public hospital continued to lose. There were only 6,450 doctors from 2022 to 2023, which was 34 less than last year.

Lu Chongmao said that Hong Kong has many aspects to increase medical staff, including increasing the places of medical students and delayed retirement age, and Hong Kong should also actively attract talents in this area.

However, in recent years, Hong Kong has launched measures that attract doctors.The Legislative Council earlier passed the 2021 doctors' registration (revision) regulations, allowing non -local training doctors to graduate from colleges and universities to work for five years after working for five years to work.However, there are not many people in Hong Kong. The chairman of the medical college Liang Jiajie revealed earlier that there are only a dozen specially registered non -local trainers who have been registered since the revision.

When asked if the official set the goal for "grabbing talents", Lu Chongmao said that if you can attract 100 doctors in a short time, you can show that the Hospital Authority can attract talents.However, Lu Chongmao acknowledged that there is a big gap between the goal. Only more than a dozen people are willing to come to Hong Kong after revising the regulations, but he believes that this is related to the restrictions on the epidemic.

Lu Chongmao revealed that the Hospital Authority will send a team to a place where Hong Kong people study for medical treatment will "grab talents" in a special place in Hong Kong. The first stop is Britain.He said that officials would provide many assistance to them, so that they gave them housing or other aspects in the process of moving back.

For the advice of political voices, directly exempt from the test to the mainland doctors, Lu Chongmao reiterated that the current introduction of overseas doctors must follow the regulations, that is, the doctor must have an overseas recognition of the two universities in Hong Kong.Medical qualifications.