After the full customs clearance of Hong Kong and Mainland China (February 6), it is reported that Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao led the delegation to the Greater Bay Area to inspect the city as soon as possible.

According to the "Big Chessboard" of the Sing Tao Daily column on Thursday (9th), the Hong Kong government is actively preparing and led by the Chief Executive Li Jiachao personally to set off with a group of members of the Legislative Council as soon as the end of March, including GuangzhouAnd the city inspection of the Greater Bay Area, including Shenzhen.They will have the opportunity to meet with officials in Guangdong.If the success will be the first visit to the new parliament after Hong Kong improves the election system.

Hong Kong re -opened and international connections last year. The Chief Executive Li Jia Huan Group visited Thailand to tell the story of Hong Kong. Currently, it has launched business opportunities in the Middle East.Except in December last year, he has not visited mainland China as usual in Beijing.

Li Jiachao, who took office in July last year, was originally scheduled to visit Guangzhou and Shenzhen in August.Li Jiachao will reveal in the answer last month that he will visit Guangdong as soon as possible to communicate with the urban leadership of Guangdong Province and the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area as soon as possible to jointly promote the construction of the Greater Bay Area.

It is understood that the senior management of the establishment faction was notified last month.Many members said they knew the arrangement, but unknown details.

It is reported that the delegation will be led by the Li family, hoping to open up to all members to sign up. It is expected that the visit will be visited for four to six days, depending on whether the mainland units can arrange.

Some people know, I believe that most members will sign up, but there are as many as 90 people in the new council. If too many people visit together, it is difficult for mainland units to arrange.When visiting cities in different Greater Bay areas simultaneously, Li Jiachao participated in activities in different places.

There are core staff members of the establishment of the establishment of the system, saying that mainland leaders are busy handling the epidemic and customs clearance. In addition, the two nationwide conferences are about to be held.

The Hong Kong Legislative Council visited the mainland to visit in 2018. At that time, the four affairs committees of Economic Development, Information Technology, etc., organized a group to the Greater Bay Area for three -day joint visit to Shenzhen.Five cities including Dongguan and Zhongshan.At that time, eight Democratic members followed the Democratic Party and the Citizen Party, and then Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e did not participate.After five years, the inspection team under the "Patriotic Rule of Hong Kong" has doubled and the atmosphere is harmonious. The number of applicants is expected to be more enthusiastic.

Some people from the construction maker said that Guangdong Province held a high -quality development conference of 25,000 people at the end of last month and invested 1 trillion yuan (about S $ 195.3 billion) in key construction projects, including some of them, part of them, part of whichRelated to Hong Kong and Macau.With the full customs clearance, the cooperation between the two places in different fields such as finance, innovation, business, and youth will be re -activated.