The Ministry of Culture Tourism issued a notice on Friday (February 3), starting on February 6th, the travel agencies and online tourism companies operate the mainland and Hong Kong, Macau entry and exit team tourism and "air ticket+hotel" business.

According to the website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism notices clearly that from now on, travel agencies and online tourism companies can carry out preparations for product release and promotion.

The notification requirements, the localities must attach great importance, and in accordance with the principles of territorial management, we should do a good job of organizing the organization.It is necessary to conscientiously implement the requirements of the overall plan of the "Class B and B", promote the concept of "everyone is the first responsible person in their own health", remind tourists to do self -monitoring before travel, confirm their own health status, pay attention to their own safety and protection in the itinerary, and protect their own safety and protection.Follow the relevant epidemic prevention regulations of the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao personnel.

Notice also requires local governments to guide travel agencies to strictly implement various systems and specifications of team tourism management, sign tourist contracts with tourists in accordance with the law, and accurately fill in the outbound tourism team information on the national tourism supervision service platform in a timely manner.Travel agencies should ensure the quality of tourism products, improve the level of tourism services, remind tourists to insure personal accidents such as personal accidents, and advocate new fashion for safety, civilization, green, and healthy tourism.

The notification emphasizes that all localities must strictly require travel agencies to effectively implement the "one group, one newspaper" system, strengthen the supervision and inspection of travel agencies and online tourism companies, investigate and deal with "unreasonable low -cost travel" in accordance with the law, arrange tourists to visit or arrange or visit or arrange or visit tourists or visit them.Participate in illegal operations such as projects or activities such as violations of Chinese laws, regulations, and social morality, and effectively maintain the order of the tourism market.

The China State Council ’s joint defense and control mechanism issued a notice on the same day. From February 6, the exchanges between mainland China and Hong Kong and Macao are fully restored.Cancellation of customs clearance arrangements for the entry and exit reservations of the Guangdong -Hong Kong land intersection, there is no limit on customs clearance personnel.Inbound personnel from Hong Kong and Macau, if there is no history of living in foreign countries or other overseas regions within seven days, there is no need to enter the country with negative results in nucleic acid infection with coronal virus infection.