It will be held next week.The Sino -Australian Chamber of Commerce and Trade is expected to pave the way for Australian Prime Minister Albarus to visit China later this year.

According to the Hong Kong South China Morning Post on Thursday (February 2), Australian Trade Secretary Don Farrell announced on Tuesday (January 31) that he will be online next week, with the online way, withWang Wentao, Minister of Commerce of China, met.This is the first dialogue between the two people for more than three years, which released the latest signal that the two countries seeking to further improve bilateral relations, and also made the outside world expect China to cancel the import ban and restrictions on the implementation of Australian products for many years.

Yang Tao, director of the General Department of the Ministry of Commerce, has confirmed that Wang Wentao and Farier will meet next week in the form of video conferences.At that time, the two parties will discuss the economic and trade issues of China -Australia and the issues of common concern.

A person familiar with the matter revealed that the face -to -face talks between Albanis hope that Farrere and Wang Wentao can be a step for China and Australia to restart trade.The person also confirmed that Albanis plans to visit China later this year, but the time has not been determined.

The Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the meeting of the Australian -China Corporation Minister is another important step in stabilizing relations between the two countries, and the two parties will also decide a further meeting at appropriate.

Sino -Australian relations have been cooling rapidly in the past four years; in April 2020, then Australian Prime Minister Morrison called on the international investigation of crown diseases in China, so that the relationship between the two countries fell into the bottom.China has implemented trade restrictions on Australia's coal and cotton, etc. from May 2020, and also levies a highly counter -dumping tax on Australia's barley and wine, which has caused Australia to formally appeal to the WTO.The WTO is expected to be a trade dispute between China -Australia earlier this year.

Albanis met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Bali, Indonesia last November, and the Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian's visit to China in December, and the tension between China and Australia began to ease.China Australia reached a new Australian coal import agreement in January this year, but other measures continued to hinder the trade between the two countries, including lobster, wine and other products.

Farrell said that he hopes to solve problems with China through dialogue and discussion, rather than arbitration by the WTO.But he also said frankly that the problem would not be resolved overnight, but the relevant procedures were still needed.

According to data newspapers quoted by Reuters and ship tracking, China will receive at least two batches of coal from Australia in early February.People familiar with the matter said that Australian lobster will also be allowed to return to the Chinese market in March.