Yang He Beiyin, director of Hong Kong Civil Service Affairs, said that in order to ensure that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has the ability to cope with new changes and threats, the Hong Kong government will add a "mobilization of the government" mechanism to ensure that it can quickly mobilize enough people to respond. For the first time of the mobilization mechanism, the mobilization mechanismThe exercise will be held in the first quarter of this year.

Yang He Beiyin posted on Facebook on Tuesday (January 31) that as the crown disease epidemic prevention and control entered a new stage, the Hong Kong government has been constantly summarizing experience and optimizing measures to ensure that Hong Kong is capable of facing the face of Hong Kong.New changes and new threats, one of them is to add a "all government mobilization" mechanism to ensure that sufficient government hands can be quickly mobilized to respond immediately.

She said that in the past, the Hong Kong Government has been optimizing the current mobilization mechanism and adding the preliminary preparations for coordination, coordination and implementation of the "all government mobilization" level.At the new "All Government Mobilization" level, all policy bureaus and departments need to formulate a list of designated personnel in advance. When dealing with major accidents, they can mobilize immediately to form an emergency team.The rotating list will be carried out in the first quarter of this year.

Yang Hebein said that although she did not have the "crystal ball" to predict the possible new epidemic, new threats, or the nature and impact of major accidents, the Hong Kong government has the ability to construct "bottom -line thinking" and make beforehand.The worst plans and the best preparations, I hope that the civil servant team will be up and down, be brave to bear, through regular exercises, pragmatically summarize experience, strengthen response ability, in order to deal with different challenges in the future.