

Hong Kong and Macao Sudden Search

After the early month of Hong Kong and mainland China, many people worry that the epidemic will rebound again.However, according to data released by the SAR government, in the past 10 days, Hong Kong's daily infection cases have been hovering at a low level, and the input cases have not increased, reflecting that the customs clearance of the two places has not brought additional risk of epidemic conditions.

Studies from the University of Hong Kong Li Jiacheng Medical College showed that at least 3.58 million Hong Kong people had been infected in the fifth wave of epidemic last year, and more than 80 % of Hong Kong people vaccinated at least two doses of vaccines.Unless there is a new variant virus, there will be an opportunity to appear again in Hong Kong's fifth waves in the next year.

As the epidemic has gradually ended, Hong Kong society has recently resumed normal activities.From Monday (January 30), people infected with crown patients are no longer forced to isolation, and detection of positive people do not need to submit personal information to the government.Experts from Hong Kong Government even suggested that by March or in April, the mask may be lifted.

At the same time, some experts have also proposed that at the moment, a comprehensive review of the appropriate time, summarizing the faults and losses of the Hong Kong government's anti -epidemic method in the past three years, in order to enhance the ability to respond to the popularity of the epidemic in the future.Relevant suggestions have been supported by mainstream public opinion, and many Hong Kong media have published social analing editorial.

On January 23, 2020, a male passenger who arrived in Hong Kong confirmed the confirmation of the diagnosis and unveiled the prelude to the epidemic of crown disease pneumonia in Hong Kong.After that, several waves of epidemic occurred in Hong Kong. During the peak, there were as many as 70,000 to 80,000 infected cases during the peak.Objectively speaking, Hong Kong's anti -epidemic work in the past three years is not easy, and it also exposes the problems of large and small society that has been hidden for many years.The official review when the epidemic gradually entered the end, it did help prevent problems.

Anti -epidemic is a war between humans and viruses, which tests the government's decision -making power.During the three years of resistance in Hong Kong, from time to time, different political factors were encountered in society. In addition, the different government departments and civil servants failed to cooperate. As a result, the first half of the year last year was afraid of the end of the epidemic and missed the opportunity to solve the opportunity of the epidemic, causing serious consequences.Officials really need to reflect on what improvements in the system in the future.

The living environment of the Hong Kong Academy has always been criticized. The legal minimum per capita area of the Senate House is only 6.5 square meters, which is about half a car parking space.This epidemic impacted the medical system like a tsunami. Most of the peaceful and disabled hospitals have been inache. So far, more than 13,000 Hong Kong human life has been taken away, most of which are the elders.Only by improving the policies of the elderly and continuously optimizing the policies for the prevention of the elderly, can the life of the elderly be protected to the greatest extent when the outbreak of the epidemic is out of the future.

The three -year epidemic is the deepest. It is still how to deal with epidemic prevention relationships in Hong Kong and Mainland China.Diseases, especially infectious diseases, are not divided into regions, and they can no longer be fully controlled by individual regions or countries. It is necessary to coordinate and cooperate with different local governments to solve.The Hong Kong and Mainland China Government has continuously strengthened the communication mechanism of health diseases since 2003, and communicated with major epidemic information for the first time.In the early days of this epidemic, Hong Kong's performance was still good, thanks to the establishment of an effective notification mechanism in the early morning to allow Hong Kong to respond to the epidemic in time in the shortest time.

But in the face of the rapid spread of infectious diseases, it is obviously not enough to rely on regional reporting mechanisms.Hong Kong and the mainland, especially the Guangdong Provincial Government, will need to further increase the cooperation of disease prevention and control in the future to prevent the epidemic in the region quickly heating up.It is necessary for the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao governments to establish a comprehensive joint defense and control mechanism to increase closer exchanges and cooperation to combine precision epidemic prevention.

Some people may be worried that the review report will finally be held accountable and requires some senior officials who are responsible for handling the epidemic.As Ye Liu Shuyi, the convener of the Executive Council, said that the relevant review work is not targeted at any official, just to better prepare and respond to the coming of the next disease. After all, there are more than 13,000 people in Hong Kong in this epidemic.The official establishment of an independent investigation committee will be inspected in the past three years of resistance to epidemic work. It will help to learn another crisis in the future.

The 2003 Shatas incident is a good example.After the end of the year, the Hong Kong Government immediately appointed a number of international experts to set up a review of the Shats Council and put forward more than 40 suggestions, one of which was to establish a health protection center to strengthen Hong Kong's resistance to immunity.The Health Protection Center played a huge role during this crown disease, which reflected that the report of the Shats's review report 20 years ago was very good and should be remembered.

For a long time, the academic community has been looking for the law of the rise and fall of the country, the rise and fall of society. A popular point of view is the "linear historical view". It is believed that historical development is linear development, or it will not repeat forward.However, just as some high -risk diseases threatened human beings in different centuries or intervals, reflecting another historical outlook in the world- "circular historical concept".

In other words, if the outbreak is periodic, what is this cycle like?What is the cause of this cycle?When most Hong Kong people have been relieved to the continuous ease of the epidemic in the past month, it is necessary to explore the law of changing the global epidemic changes and response methods.