British media on Wednesday (January 25)A 27 -year -old Hong Kong female master's degree moved to Britain in April last April in the British (overseas) passport (BNO) visa plan, but he couldn't bear the heavy pressure of life. He committed suicide in the shared house seven months later.

In January 2021, Britain opened a visa plan for the Hong Kong BNO passport.People who have successfully applied for the BNO visa and their families can apply to become British citizens after five years of living, work and study in the UK.The plan once triggered a new round of immigration in Hong Kong.

However, two years after this plan was implemented, some Hong Kong people immigrated to the UK began to find a distance and imagination.With the news of the suicide of the Hong Kong Master of Female, Hong Kong people immigrated to Britain's current situation again.

The current status of Hong Kong people who immigrate to the United Kingdom

Dr. Ma Zhongyi, president of the former Hong Kong Public Medical Doctor Association, who is described as "Black Medicine" with the official background of the Chinese Communist Party.After Britain, in a 18 -minute interview documentary talked about when he first arrived in Britain, he complained that Britain did not recognize the doctor's qualification certificate he held. She had to re -study and took the exam with some young people, which made her frustrated.

said that Britain did not recognize the United Kingdom that he did not recognize the United Kingdom to recognize it.She must study again and take the exam with some young people, and once frustrated with some young people.(Video interception)

She also revealed that when other Hong Kong immigrants, who were also doctors, they also encountered employment inconsistent when they first arrived in the UK.

Fortunately, Ma Zhongyi's English fluent and strong in English, and continued to return to the old name after obtaining the qualification certificate after passing the test.

For British life, she believes that there is no convenience in Hong Kong. Ma Zhongyi, who has a helper in Hong Kong, and basically does not cook, cooked instant noodles in front of the camera.

Nevertheless, she still sighs: "There are many depression that I feel every day when I am in Hong Kong." She said that she now feels "comfortable and free" every day.

The Hong Kong people who are still engaged in the old bank after another immigration in the United Kingdom are Huang Rong, who is well -known in Hong Kong's organic farm.When he was interviewed by the Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Chinese website, he said frankly that he was not sure if he could "pick up his favorite hoe".

However, with his previous reputation in Hong Kong and his professional technology and creativity, Huang Rong has accumulated about 100 customers in more than a year.

However, there are only a few hard -core professionals who can return to the old bank like Ma Zhongyi and Huang Rong.But after arriving in the UK, they all turned to the "blue -collar" position.

According to the BBC Chinese website, 46 -year -old Charlotte has served as a financial journalist and public relations manager in Hong Kong. In April 2021Work.

She said in an interview: "The difference is very large", "I ask if I can make better use of these times."

Another Miss Mo who is engaged in marketing in Hong Kong arrivedAfter the United Kingdom, he can only be a cashier or receptionist. The gentleman who was a photographer first took an English class, hoping to become a delivery driver.

Charlotte and Miss Mo's immigration is for the next generation of education. They are worried that children will be "brainwashed" in Hong Kong, and they will also resist the current political atmosphere of Hong Kong.There is a gap between a middle class to become blue -collar, but they still firmly believe that the decision of immigration is in line with the "maximum interests" of children.

Some children BNO Hong Kong peopleFirmly believes that the decision to move to the UK is in line with the "maximum interests" of children.The picture shows a flag raising ceremony last year in a primary school in Hong Kong.(Reuters)

Hong Kong immigration wave under the plan of BNO

Hong Kong broke out in March 2019 Anti -repair campaign at home and abroad.Bone, Beijing introduced the Hong Kong National Security Law in June 2020 a year later, strongly restored social order and rectified the political system.The British claimed that the National Security Law "obviously and seriously violated" in 1984 and the Sino -British joint statement, and after half a year in the National Security Law, it launched a visa plan for the Hong Kong BNO passport holder.

At present, only the day before the return of Hong Kong to Hong Kong before the return of Hong Kong on June 30, 1997 was qualified to apply for a BNO visa independently.It is estimated that 5.4 million people are qualified to apply for a BNO visa among 7.5 million Hong Kong residents.

China has criticized the British visa plan to interfere with the Chinese internal affairs, and from the beginning of the British policy, it will no longer recognize the Hong Kong BNO passport as a travel certificate and identity certificate.

Britain expressed disappointment but not surprised, and insisted on implementing the new policy of Hong Kong people.In November 2022, the British government also officially revised the entry rules, expanded the BNO visa plan, and allowed young people in Hong Kong to use their parents' BNO to apply to the UK.

According to data from the British Ministry of Political Affairs, as of June 2022, more than 130,000 Hong Kong people entered the UK under the BNO visa plan.

BNO plan has also led to the largest population decline in Hong Kong in nearly 60 years.As of June 30 last year, the total population of Hong Kong has decreased by 12,500.

Britain launched the BNO of Hong Kong in 2021The visa plan of the passport holder has triggered a new round of immigration in Hong Kong.The picture shows in front of the counter at the counter to London in July 2021.(Agence France -Presse)

At that time, the Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e Hong Kong Chief Executive, at the peak of the Hong Kong immigration tide in 2021, responded to foreign media that immigrants were "personal choices" and "not the issue of responsibility of the Chief Executive."

Chen Maobo, the director of the Financial Secretary, also said: Go or stay, in the end, it is a decision made by individuals after considering employment, education and business opportunities.

After the immigration of Hong Kong people's immigration to the UK

There have been many outbreaks of immigration in Hong Kong history.The Hong Kong people who left this round mainly focused on middle -class families with children, young people in their 20s, and accumulated professionals.Elite level.

The meaning of the new batch of Hong Kong immigrants is weak, and it will be stretched when facing the financial pressure of the foreign country.

A survey by the British Ministry of Internal Government shows that 69%of the Hong Kong people who move the BNO through BNO hold a university degree or above, and 90%of them are engaged in cultural or professional or manager levels above the level.Management staff.

The statistics of the British Hong Kong Overseas Chinese Association show that after these people immigrate, the mostMulti -engaged in warehouses and transportation, followed by science and technology, followed by the hotel catering industry and retail wholesale industry.

According to the earlier report of the Hong Kong Media Nanhua Morning Post, the BNO visa is planned to be implemented from January 2021 to August of the same year, and only 18.5%of new immigrants have found full -time jobs.And those who can find a job often have to give up their high -paying occupations as professionals and work in the round of work of physical labor.

In the past year, due to the influence of the Russian and Ukraine War and epidemic, British prices soared, and the cost of living has also increased.In October 2022, the inflation rate of Britain exceeded expectations, the 41 -year high point reached 11.1%, and the inflation rate of food in December soared to a record high of 13.3%, the highest record since 2005.

In the past year, dueThe influence of war and epidemic has soared in Britain's prices and the cost of living has also increased.(Reuters)

In addition, compared with the popular attitude of the British government, British society has a gap in Hong Kong immigrants.Some British netizens were further squeezed because of dissatisfaction with job opportunities and living space, and speaking on social media to resist new immigrants.

A Ms. Wu Ms. Wu, who has settled in the British Saton, mentioned in an interview with the New York Times in June 2022 that she was worried that their arrival would cause local dissatisfaction.Occupy resources. "

Many Hong Kong people sold assets before leaving Hong Kong. After arriving in the UK, they actively bought a house without a residence, and indirectly raised local house prices.The aforementioned Ms. Wu mentioned that, like many other parts of the United Kingdom, house prices in her area have risen during the epidemic.

In addition to the pressure that the above -mentioned immigrants are generally faced, the current group of people who have been moving Hong Kong also have some political colors, resulting in their contact with the old Hong Kong people or mainland immigrants.friction.

According to the BBC report, after a young Hong Kong immigrants who had participated in the anti -repair examples to the United Kingdom, the landlord from mainland China discovered his history and became dramatic, preventing him from returning to his residence.He retrieved his luggage a few days later.

Where do you go?

Hong Kong's BNO immigration tide vividly reflects the "voting with feet" that mainland netizens in mainland China often say.However, how to set up a foothold at the new place after using your feet is actually a problem that every generation of immigrants will face when you first arrive in a foreign country.

The difference is that the political factors considered by this generation of Hong Kong immigrants must be far exceeding economic factors, and they will be willing to endure the current life in order to "the political environment of the next generation", but how long will this gap last for a long time to lastWhether they will get better in the future, they are not sure.

At the same time, many people are worried that they cannot return to their hometown freely.In the interview, Ma Zhongyi said that he did not want to completely cut off with Hong Kong, but he was worried that "whether Hong Kong can still contact today"; some Hong Kong immigrants say that they do not have to retire in the UK, but they plan to return to Hong Kong after they are citizen.

The anxiety and confusion faced by BNO immigrants may give better answers.