The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government in Beijing said that it will plan to visit 10 provinces and cities in Mainland China this year to recruit talents.

Chen Yingshi, assistant director of the Hong Kong Government's office in Beijing, said in an interview with Hong Kong Commercial Radio on Tuesday (January 24) that Hong Kong's investment promotion talent for enterprises and talents in Hong Kong has visited Inner Mongolia to promote Hong Kong to promote Hong Kong.Advantages, now plan to visit 10 mainland provinces and cities this year, and will also enter mainland universities to promote.

In order to cooperate with the Hong Kong government's policy of grabbing talent, the 17 Hong Kong offices in the mainland and the overseas economic and trade offices set up a special group of investment promotion last year to actively contact the target enterprises and talents.

Chen Yingshi, assistant director of the Hong Kong Government Office in Beijing, said that they visited Hohhot, Inner Mongolia last year to inspect local enterprises, promote talent measures and explain the actual situation and advantages of Hong Kong.Senior management talents qualified for high -end talent pass (Gao Cai Tong) are interested in going to Hong Kong.

Chen Yingshi also said that they will continue to visit 10 provinces and cities in the mainland."I hope to visit the Northeast provinces after the Lunar New Year, and this year will also visit two hundred universities, Tsinghua University and Peking University in the world. Other universities and young people are also the focus of our visit."

Chen YingshiIt is said that one week after Gao Citong began to accept the application, four to five inquiry telephones in Beijing have received four to five inquiries, from mathematical science and traditional industries.With the customs clearance of Hong Kong and the mainland, it is an ideal time for Hong Kong to take the initiative to snatch talents and facilitate promotion. It will arrange that the mainland business delegation will visit Hong Kong to inspect and re -hold the youth exchange plan for both places.

In the face of the loss of talents in Hong Kong, Chen Yingshi said that in addition to attracting mainland talents, he will also be exposed to people in Beijing and Hong Kong.She said that attracting mainland talents to Hong Kong, and encouraging Hong Kong people to integrate into the overall national development situation of China. There is no conflict in the development of the Greater Bay Area., Publicize various measures in the policy report.

Chen Yingshi said that there is a key performance indicator for grabbing talent work. The Hong Kong government hopes to absorb 35,000 talents to Hong Kong each year, but there are many mainland talents among them.The window will regularly report the work of the Hong Kong Government.