Since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the Hong Kong society has a discussion of legislation from time to time.The Chief Executive Li Jiachao on Tuesday (January 17) on the issue of "one hammer", for the first time, it was clearly stated that it was expected to complete the legislative work in this year, at the latest next year.

Li Jiachao stated in an exclusive interview published on Tuesday of the Hong Kong Business Daily that due to the intervention of foreign forces in the "Black Storm" in 2019, the Security Bureau asked the Security Bureau to formulate the second draft of Article 23 of the Basic Law.New media and other risks.

He believes that the Hong Kong National Security Law has three goals: prevent, stop and punish, and the current means are mainly to stop and punish.But he attaches more attention to prevention, which requires management and prevention measures to play a scary role in the foreign forces that want to endanger Hong Kong.

Li Jiachao pointed out that there are many foreign agents' organizations in Hong Kong to disguise the organization in the name of seminar. "Some we told and closed the door immediately. But if there is a firewall in the next stage, it is best to be themselves.If you don't come ", this can be reduced.

He expressed his hope that the entire work can be completed this year, at the latest and next year; as for whether there will be another third draft, you must depend on whether the second draft can achieve the above prevention goals.

According to Article 23 of the Basic Law, Hong Kong must prohibit self -legislative legislative prohibiting rebels, splitting, inciting rebellion, subversation of the central government, stealing national secrets, foreign political organizations in Hong Kong, or establishing contact with Hong Kong political organizations.The Hong Kong government proposed legislation in 2003. As a result, 500,000 people were triggered to protest on the street. The official was forced to shelve. After that, the chief executive Dong Jianhua also stepped down because of the "foot pain".

After the anti -repair campaign in 2019, Beijing officials implemented the Hong Kong National Security Law in Hong Kong in 2020, but many people still insist that they need to continue to legislate on 23 articles.

However, Lu Wen Duan, the vice chairman of the China Overseas Chinese Federation and the Chairman of the Hong Kong Federation of Peaceful and Unified Promotion of the China Association of Peaceful and Unified Promotion, which was regarded by the political community as the "spokesperson" of the Hong Kong Sino -joint Office.The strong guarantee, Article 23 legislation does not need to be rushed to achieve success. I believe that Hong Kong has more time and space. According to the changes in the complex international situation, the full deployment of legislative work is fully deployed.

Dr. Chen Xiaofeng, Secretary -General of the Hong Kong Law Exchange Foundation, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the legislation of basic law is Hong Kong's constitutional responsibility and an important part of the vulnerability of national security law.The same is the same. For example, 23 articles targeting the country, inciting rebellion, and theft of national secrets are not covered by the Hong Kong National Security Law. "In fact, Article 7 of the Hong Kong National Security Law also stipulates that Hong Kong must legislate as soon as possible to improve relevant laws."

Chen Xiaofeng believes that if the Hong Kong government starts 23 legislation again, there will be no more than 500,000 people to march on the street.The first is that the social atmosphere is completely different; the second is that after the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, Hong Kong's rule of law environment is safer.

But he also pointed out that the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law in Hong Kong may deepen concerns in the international community in the short term; but in the long run, as long as Hong Kong maintains the unique advantage of "one country, two systems", strictly follow the constitution and basic rule of law ports to consolidate the international internationalIn the financial center status, foreign investors will still be happy to invest in Hong Kong.