Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council of China on Friday (January 13), pointed out that when the local law of Hong Kong is inconsistent with the Hong Kong National Security Law, the SAR Government should actively revise local laws.Analysis believes that this means that the Hong Kong government needs to amend local laws and prohibit overseas lawyers from participating in handling cases involving national security.

Xia Baolong pointed out this when attending a seminar at the National Hong Kong and Macau Research Association in Beijing.He said that the biggest feature of the implementation mechanism of the Hong Kong National Security Law is the "dual execution mechanism".Umbrellas; but considering the special of one country, two systems and the actual situation of Hong Kong, the central government authorizes the SAR through the National Security Law to assume the main responsibility of maintaining national security, while the central government is responsible for dealing with the problems that are difficult to solve at the level of the SAR.Essence

Xia Baolong emphasized that whether the implementation of the ordinary law or the mainland law, maintaining national security is the core interest of each sovereign state.EssenceMaintaining national security is not only the responsibility of the Chief Executive and the National Security Commission, but also the responsibility of the entire governance structure of administrative agencies, legislators, judicial agencies, legal institutions, and consulting organizations.

Tang Jiazheng, a member of the Hong Kong Executive Council, pointed out that some Hong Kong laws cannot keep up with the Hong Kong National Security Law, especially the problems involving Guoan, such as foreign lawyers when they come to Hong Kong to deal with the national security case.It is necessary for the SAR Government to revise certain Hong Kong laws to meet the Guidelines of the National Security Law of Hong Kong.

Scholars: Hong Kong sooner or later must revise the legal content of British interests

Wu Junfei, a researcher at the Hong Kong China Economic and Cultural Development Promotion Association, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Xia Baolong proposed that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region should take the initiative to revise and improve local laws, so that the local law and the Hong Kong National Security Law should be organically unified.Overseas lawyers who do not qualify for comprehensive practice are involved in the participation of national security cases, including the work of fully promoting Article 23 of the Basic Law, and modifying the content of conflicting with the National Security Law in other legal documents.

Wu Junfei believes that many countries understand the practice of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, because the legal content of the outdated legal content is an important part of the Asian -Africa and Latinarian countries.

Hong Kong's move is not right and wrong, but sooner and evening issues. Sooner or later, Hong Kong must revise the legal content that reflects British interests.

For example, the crime of "attacking the Queen" in Article 200 of the Criminal Crime Regulations has completely violated the Chinese Constitution and the political system and must be revised as soon as possible."Of course, Western countries will have a certain rebound on some laws amending Hong Kong. This is the performance of its maintenance in Hong Kong's interests. The SAR government can communicate politely with relevant countries."

Li Zhiying, the founder of Hong Kong One Media Group, was charged with challenging foreign or overseas forces to endanger national security and publish incitement publications. He was approved by the Hong Kong court to approve the British Royal Lawyer Owen to defend him. As a result, Beijing triggered Beijing.The interpretation, the overseas lawyer who does not have the qualifications of Hong Kong's comprehensive practice, should obtain a certificate issued by the Chief Executive in order to defend the case involving the crime of national security.