Mainland China and Hong Kong will resume customs clearance from the coming Sunday (January 8). Chen Maobo, director of the Hong Kong Finance Department, said that customs clearance will help strengthen consumption and investment confidence, and it is expected that Hong Kong's economy will resume this year's economy will resume this year.Positive growth.

According to the Singao Daily Daily, Sing Tao Daily, Chen Maobo said in the forum of the China Chamber of Commerce that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government originally estimated that Hong Kong's economic growth last year was 32 % year -on -year.However, the export performance in December last year was worse than expected. The rise in the mouth also caused the business community to be cautious about investment. Last year's economic growth was not optimistic.

However, he said that last year, Hong Kong's consumption was stable and the unemployment rate fell significantly. It mainly benefited from the support measures of the Hong Kong government. Small and medium -sized enterprises have not seen a sharp wave of losers, which affects middle -level employment.The orderly customs clearance of Lugang this year will help strengthen consumption and investment confidence. Although the abortion will immediately reply to the high level before the epidemic, it will be helpful for the Hong Kong tourism and catering industry.It will also be higher than last year, and the number will be announced when the fiscal budget is issued.

He also reminded that this year Hong Kong still needs to face the impact of high interest rates, tight geographical political situation, global central bank tightening monetary policy, and fierce competition among different economies, but mainland China still has a lot of financial fiscal.And monetary policy space, the economy is expected to grow steadily this year, and it is still optimistic about the prospects.

Chen Maobo mentioned that Hong Kong faces the restrictions of lack of land and talents. Therefore, through grabbing enterprises and talent measures, it is expected to promote growth.The Hong Kong Government has also determined the source of the land required for future development, which are reclamation in the northern metropolitan area and central waters. It is currently yet to be implemented and will be fully promoted.

He said that although the property market atmosphere has been recovered recently, because the US interest rate hike cycle has not yet ended, the Hong Kong property market may still be under pressure in the short term.Adjustment does not affect social stability and financial security, there is no major problem, and the market should be adjusted by itself.

He emphasized that compared with the financial tsunami and the Shas period, the non -confession ratio, negative asset cases and finance in the Hong Kong property market are still safe, and the market does not need to worry too much.

In addition, Chen Maobo mentioned that the fiscal deficit of this fiscal year may still over 100 billion yuan (Hong Kong dollars, about 17.1 billion yuan), but the Hong Kong government hopes that land, houses and transportation infrastructure will be launched as soon as possible.Expenses are regarded as investment.Affects fiscal discipline.