The customs clearance of mainland China and Hong Kong will be implemented on January 8th, but this has also triggered concerns about Hong Kong citizens. It has reproduced the tide of drugs in various places.Many experts and industry people call on citizens not to accumulate drugs.

According to the Hong Kong News Agency, mainland China has recently faced the largest wave of infection in the three years of outbreaks in the epidemic.The demand has risen sharply.At the time of the peak of the epidemic in mainland China, citizens in Hong Kong are also worried that this will bring extra epidemic risks to Hong Kong.

Recently, the pharmacy of Hong Kong pharmacies has appeared in drug grabbing, and some drugs such as Hong Kong pharmacies must have pain and other drugs.It is reported that this more or less reflects the tension of Hong Kong people.

Zhang Derong, vice chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce of the Hong Kong -Nine Pharmacy Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday (January 4), said on the radio program that the "hot and polygal pain" drugs produced in Hong Kong will be more supplied in the next one to two weeks.Don't hoard too many drugs, it is enough to calculate 10 to 20 fever and analgesic drugs.

Zhang Derong said that he noticed that many citizens recently purchased anti -laxatives, and believed that it was related to recent news that virus would cause diarrhea.He said that Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Factory has enough to deal with Hong Kong supply, but if the citizens need to buy medicines to send medicine back to the mainland, it will take a period of time to supply abundant supply.As for some citizens to buy bulk medicine in the pharmacy, Zhang Derong reminded to view the original packaging to ensure that it is registered drugs. Citizens should not buy parallel medicine.

Cui Junming, president of the Hong Kong Hospital Pharmacist Society, has recently demanded increased demand for antipyretic medicine, laryngeal sugar and wind injuries, but the medicines with five days of reserves in the family are sufficient., Should be seek medical treatment.

Cui Junming emphasized that the supply of drugs in Hong Kong is still normal. The clinic and the Hospital Authority have a certain stock. The Hospital Authority has purchased hot and polygamic drugs from Hong Kong manufacturers. There will be a new batch of supply in the middle of this month.

Some people in the business community are worried that after customs clearance, you should also pay attention to whether the "anti -bull" effect will appear, especially in recent days, many countries or regions have tightened the restrictions on entering from mainland China.Hong Kong people may be affected.

Ye Liu Shuyi, the convener of the Executive Council, believes that if other countries or regions have a scientific perspective, they know more about the health of the boarders, and it is logical.There are no complete data on the United States and the United Kingdom. "It is only a" political performance "that questioning foreign restrictions on the entry limit. It is believed that the purpose of" enclosing "politics by manipulating epidemic prevention measures should not be reduced.

From the perspective of Hong Kong, Ye Liu refers to the announcement of the Hong Kong Government in the epidemic data. It is believed that from the perspective of epidemic prevention and control and scientific perspective, even if Hong Kong clearance with the mainland, Hong Kong will not constitute significant risks to the outside world.

For the political level, whether the mainlanders enter Hong Kong, will it give the opportunity to leave Hong Kong in the mouth of Western countries?If the above situation happens, otherwise it is no good for everyone.

In fact, Chen Guoji, the director of the Hong Kong Department of Government Affairs, has visited the consuls in South Korea, the United States, Australia and other countries in Hong Kong on Tuesday, saying that it is not necessary to apply for testing requirements for Hong Kong people, and requires the revocation of restrictions on all countries.