A survey by US financial service company Morgan Stanley shows that although Chinese officials have adopted a series of real estate easing measures, most Chinese families are still cautious about housing prospects.

According to Bloomberg, a research report from Morgan Stanley on Tuesday (October 10) stated that more than 80%of Chinese families still expressed their unwillingness or uncertainty when asked about the house purchase plan.Whether to buy a house.The report is based on a survey of about 2,000 Chinese consumers.

For the trend of house prices, 42%of the respondents expect house prices to decline in the next 12 months, and 23%of people expect house prices to rise.

In the past few months, in order to boost the property market, the Chinese government has introduced real estate easing measures, including the minimum down payment ratio of the first and second sets of mortgage loans, and lowered the interest rate of the stock mortgage.Since the four major first -tier cities have implemented the "house recognition and do not recognize loan" policy since the end of August, the first house has basically implemented the policy of "recognition of houses and not recognizing loans" in all parts of China.

Morgan Stanley said that from a good side, compared with the July survey, the homeowner is more and more willing to use the extra funds for consumption and consumption andinvest.

The survey found that although the consumer's willingness to consume is not high due to weak income, consumers' willingness to spend a slight recovery is a month -on -month.

The survey was conducted in first to fourth -tier cities in China from September 25th to 28th.