Global Economic Analysis Company quoted satellite image data that the recovery of China's economy in September will be stronger.

According to Bloomberg News on Friday (September 29), SpaceKnow, a commercial satellite image company, said that after August, the activities around China Shopping Center remained at a relatively high level in September.; China Cement Manufacturing has continued from June to September.

Speosno also formulated a manufacturing procurement manager index (PMI) based on several satellite image activity indicators.Data show that China's PMI in September rose to 51, an increase of three percentage points from August.

Speso economist Jan Pintera said satellite image information shows "the positive direction of China's construction industry" and "the recovery of consumer confidence".

Dani also said that compared with 2021, the prosperity of China's cement manufacturing industry is still at a lower level, showing that the downturn in the real estate market drags the prosperity of the cement manufacturing industry; the activities around the shopping center are alsoAfter reaching the daily peak at the end of August this year, it weakened slightly.

China's economic growth has slowed significantly since the second quarter, until August, industrial profits and manufacturing indexes have increased.The sales growth index of all industries in China released by the World Economic Research Institute in September rose to 53.1, which was a six -month high, indicating that after the Chinese government has taken multiple measures in recent months to boost the real estate market and stimulate consumption, the economy has stabilized and rebounded.sign.