(Beijing Comprehensive News) Syrian President Assad arrived in China on Thursday (September 21) to launch a second visit to China for nearly 20 years and will meet with Chinese officials during the period.Analysis believes that in addition to the heating of the relationship between the two countries, this trip to Assad also shows that China's influence in the Middle East is increasing.

This trip is one of the few strokes from Syrian in 2011, and Assad visited countries outside the Middle East.The last visit to China was in 2004, when he met with Hu Jintao at the time. It was the first time that the Syrian heads of state visited China for the first time since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 1956.

Assad arrived in Hangzhou, Zhejiang on Thursday, and is expected to attend the opening ceremony of the Asian Games on Saturday.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning was questioned on Thursday that Chinese officials and other Chinese leaders will also meet with Assad to exchange opinions on bilateral relations and issues that common concern.

She also mentioned that I believe that Assad will further deepen the political mutual trust between the two countries and cooperation in various fields, and promote the relationship between the two countries to reach a new level.

Reuters quoted sources of the Syrian delegation and said Assad would meet with Chinese officials on Friday.In addition, the delegation plans to hold other meetings in Beijing on Sunday and next Monday (September 25).

The Syrian Syrian News Agency previously reported that the Syrian Minister of Economic and Trade also visited China with Assad this time.

Agence France -Presse quoted the British Think Tank Institute of Chatham House, HAID Haid, Middle East and North Africa, HAID Haid analyzed that the focus of Assad's trip is expected to persuade the Chinese economic recovery around China.

He said that before that, China promised to invest 2 billion US dollars (S $ 2.7 billion) in Syria in 2017, but these funds were "not fulfilled."

Bassam Abu Abdallah, a professor of international relations at Damascus University, pointed out to the Russian satellite news agency that China has been hesitant in the past in establishing economic cooperation with Syria in the past, but now China and the United States have increasingly intensified. BeijingIt is necessary to take more decisive measures to defend their influence in the Middle East.

Abdullah also mentioned that China ’s interest in Syria's geopolitical situation has been obvious. It is not only from an economic perspective, but also has many common principles from the two countries, such as opposing American hegemonism.

He believes that China will help Syria implement some small and medium -sized projects, which can promote Syria to get rid of economic and social crises.

China has recently performed actively on improving the Middle East issue.For example, after seven years of disconnection in Iran and Saudi Arabia, under the mediation in China this March, they held four -day negotiations in Beijing, and finally agreed to restore diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Palestinian President Abbas visited China in June, Chinese officials also proposed to promote the holding international peaceful conferences to help Palestine and Israel with peace in peace.

China also successfully promoted the largest oil exporting country in Arabia, Iran, Egypt and the UAE to join the BRICS countries.