Taiwan's imported eggs from Brazil have expired to change the label and mixed Taiwanese eggs.(September 19) Suddenly resigned, and the high -level diameter of the party's party was consistent. It was affirmed that Chen Jizhong performed and denied the faction struggle.

Chen Jianren, Dean Chen Jianren, will go to the Legislative Yuan to make a project report on imported eggs on Friday (September 22). Although the opposition party grinds the knife, some analysts believe that Chen Jizhong's job and the chairman of the Central Animal Property Association of imported eggs Lin CongxianIt also followed the resignation, and the relevant decision -making and the flow of money appeared "breakpoints", which was not easy to investigate.

In order to solve the egg shortage, the Ministry of Agriculture imported eggs from Brazil earlier this year, and some Brazilian eggs were accused of some Brazilian eggs from the avian influenza.The Ministry of Agriculture had previously stated that the last batch of Brazilian imported eggs was installed at the end of May. At that time, Brazil was not listed as a avian influenza epidemic area, and there was no risk of epidemic disease.

The Brazilian eggs, which were subsequently sold on the market, were found to be manufactured on September 6, and the storage period was on October 5.The Ministry of Agriculture explained that under the cold chain of Brazilian eggs, the preservation period can reach 90 days. Later, it is also known as Brazilian eggs with edible wax spray films. The storage period can reach four months.

Chen Jizhong promised that imported eggs must be sold through the epidemic prevention requirements of the Ministry of Agriculture. The markets on the market are safe and qualified eggs.Tu Wancai, the chairman of Taiwan ’s Egg Products, who washing and labeling the date, also said that it was okay.Unexpectedly, Taennon later changed his mouth to admit that there was a group of Brazilian egg error labeling periods and proactively recovered the offer.

Tu Wancai is a large egg merchant in Pingtung, known as the "king of chicken".Faced with a huge ticket, he regretted saying to the media that he initially asked him to help him. After the incident, the Ministry of Agriculture asked him to take responsibility to calm the matter.

The Gas Si company imported Brazilian eggs is only 500,000 yuan (NT $, the same, the same, S $ 20,000) capital, but can import hundreds of millions of dollars of eggs.It is exactly the same as that of some snack bars that can import vaccine profit models in the past.Tu Wancai admits that he had previously supported super thoughts, and it was also the guarantee of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Super Si imported more than 80 million eggs from Brazil. The Kuomintang asked the government to explain the flow of Brazilian eggs.

The Taichung Municipal Government seized two liquid egg manufacturing plants for the foundry of the Ministry of Agriculture. From June, it has been made of liquid eggs with imported eggs imported from Turkey and Brazil, but the origin was marked as Taiwan.The industry claims that they act according to the instructions of the Ministry of Agriculture, and they did not return to the importing country until the end of July.

Chen Junji, the agent of the Ministry of Agriculture, explained that the eggs turned into frozen liquid eggs, which belongs to "substantial transformation".However, the Ministry of Health and Welfare said that the selection and liquid eggs have not substantially transformed, and the food safety law norms have never changed.The Ministry of Agriculture apologized again due to "supervision".

The controversy of imported eggs is getting bigger and bigger, and the public cannot be panic and angry about the government's unable to ensure food safety. Lai Qingde's polls have fallen.Chen Jizhong, who was resisted last week, was approved suddenly on Tuesday, and was regarded as the hemostatic movement of the DPP crisis.

Wu Zijia, chairman of the Meilima Electronics News, pointed out that Chen Jizhong was Cai Yingwen's horses. The resignation reversed because the Lai Qingde was forced to the palace.

Zheng Wencan, deputy dean of the Executive Yuan, who belongs to the new trend department of the Democratic Progressive Party on Thursday (September 21), said, "This is a guess that there is no factual basis."

He emphasized that Cai Yingwen, Lai Qingde and Chen Jianren all affirmed Chen Jizhong's performance in the past seven years. Chen Jizhong resigned because of many incorrect fake messages and deliberately discredited the agricultural team.Ji Zhong's undertaking.

Luo Zhiqiang, a Kuomintang legislator, went to the Taipei Procuratorate on Thursday to report that Chen Jizhong and Lin Congxian were suspected of instigating crimes.KMT Taipei City Councilor Xu Qiaoxin and others previously accused Chen Jizhong.