The former foreign minister Yang Rong, Singapore, went to Taipei to give a lecture on his personal identity, throwing an claim on the cross -strait system. It is suggested that Taiwan and mainland China organize the "Chinese Commonwealth".Yang Rongwen also called on Taipei to negotiate with Beijing as soon as possible, because the current situation of the Taiwan Strait is unsustainable, "it is a tick to make a time bomb"; Taiwan is "used by the United States to deal with a sacrifice for sacrifice in mainland China."

Regarding Taiwan's chess pieces, when the local fame and scholars have been proposed for a long time, but this time, the foreigner's former politics must be relentlessly pointed out that the possibility of Taiwan's independence is only "hallucinations". This is called the green camp of Taiwan independence.Why is it so embarrassed.Unsurprisingly, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan refuted Yang Rongwen's remarks the next day, "completely inconsistent with the facts, and the cognition was obviously biased", and called on him to "avoid letting public opinion become a spear of totalitarian China", so as not to be considered to be "published by hurting Taiwan to hurt TaiwanImproper speech of the people.

Yang Rongwen published the above conversation at the Asia -Pacific Milk Thousand Miles Forum.At the three -hour speech and symposium, he talked with his Chinese blood, explaining his gratitude to Taiwan (Yang Rongwen's young son was re -achieved by the bone marrow of the Tzu Chi people in Taiwan), and some of the new Taiwan, Singapore, and the mainland did not have some unparalleled unparalleled between the mainland and the mainland.Public diplomatic stories and secrets.He emphasized that he was loyal to Singapore politically, but he was also a "relative" on both sides of the strait. He described the concept of independence in Taiwan was unacceptable to "relatives".

It is proposed to establish a federation on both sides of the strait, and ultimately achieve the goal of "one China". Yang Rongwen's suggestion is very bold, and it can be said that they are taboo on both sides of the strait.The rebound of Taiwan has been officially expressed at the official level, and the concept of the Federation system has also been clearly denied.

In the concept of political science, the Federation and Confederation have clearly defined. The former members have a certain degree of autonomy.Neither of them can accept.Especially the Federation system means that Taiwan is an independent country, and it is actually Taiwan independence.However, according to Yang Rongwen's concept, the "Chinese Confederation" belongs to a transitional stage. It is called on the two sides of the strait to gradually move towards peace and reunification when they have mutual trust and no timetable.

These suggestions than Ma Ying -jeou's "unique and unified" and maintaining the status quo for a long time are actually going further, because Yang Rongwen sets the ultimate unified goal.However, unlike the "two system Taiwan" claims of the mainland, Yang Rongwen does not involve which political system should be adopted on both sides of the strait. Instead, this problem is open to encourage the two sides of the strait from the perspective of blood and culture, and to negotiate how to build """A China", the tone is still "one middle".It is believed that because of this, although the Beijing official did not make any formal response, several mainland official media quoted the "pawn theory" mentioned by Yang Rongwen.

The current Taiwan Strait issue is really dangerous.The British media warned in 2021 that Taiwan was "the most dangerous place on the surface". After that, the tug -of -tug of Sino -US issue continued to upgrade.Politicians in the United States have been unprecedented in visiting Taiwan. U.S. warships frequently cross the Taiwan Strait and quickly upgrade the sale of martial arts in Taiwan.On the mainland, the Taiwan Strait "internal seaization" was "internalized" through patrol law enforcement, and the military exercises of Taiwan were normalized to allow Taiwan to be under high pressure.Just on Thursday morning, Taiwan detected that 40 military aircraft of the PLA crossed the central line and its extension line, and the scale broke the record this year.Recently, Taipei and Beijing are on the question of whether Taiwan is eligible to join the United Nations.

For the mainland, the United States and Taiwan are changing the status quo of the Taiwan Strait in the way of cutting sausages; from the perspective of the United States, it is Beijing that changes the status quo. The US President Biden not only expresses it at one time.Not wrong.But this is not a good thing, because if the Taiwan Strait crisis trigger the Sino -US war, the battlefield must be in Taiwan, and Beijing is estimated to be prepared for war within 10 years.Another possibility is that after the US presidential election next year, the US Republican Party and even Tiplang's possibility of coming to power cannot be ruled out. After the White House is easy to change, it is also a question mark for whether Taiwan's promise is still firm as a rock.

Frankly speaking, where is the choice of cross -strait relations to the two sides of the strait, others are not qualified to be more than 庖 庖 庖 庖 庖 庖 庖 庖 庖 庖 庖 庖 庖 庖 庖 庖 庖 庖 庖 庖.However, the situation of the Taiwan Strait affects the peace between Asia and the world, and the onlookers have reason to worry.

Many observer pointed out that the situation will be particularly dangerous after the vote of the Taiwan election in January next year.Lai Qingde, a leading DPP candidate, just directly named the DPP candidate, said that he could not hide his "Taiwan independence" of the DPP candidate Lai Qingde, which was directly named.Essence

Yang Rongwen's suggestion is full of strong idealism.In reality, the four candidates who intend to compete in Taiwan only emphasize how to protect peace and avoid discussing unity. It can be seen that the unity of cross -strait unification in Taiwan has no market and no votes.All local mainstream media reported Yang Rongwen's speech on Tuesday. One day later, the popularity of political topics was concentrated in Guo Taiming's announcement of the deputy.

However, the sober warning of "the status quo is unsustainable". If some people can see it, and leave specific suggestions for future generations for reference, a speech achieved value.Under this premise, it is the responsibility of how to see breakthroughs in cross -strait issues with pragmatic and open thinking as a cross -strait issue.