(Beijing / Guangzhou Comprehensive News) A doctor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was seduced to Myanmar for one year for fraud.He said that he fell into a high -paying cross -border job search trap and was seduced to the Myanmar fraud park, but in the past year, he has not earned money by his performance.

Comprehensive Beijing News, Southern Metropolis Daily, Surging News, etc., Dr. Zhang, who was trapped, learned from an intermediary in 2022 to learn that a Singaporean company recruits customer service staff, but during the epidemic, Singapore visa is difficult.Thai branch.

Zhang told the media that after he arrived in Thailand, the other party dispelled his doubts with various means, but after being brought into the park, he could no longer get out.

The incident is located in the southeast of Myanmar. It is only a small river from Thailand. Most of the parks in the park are deceived to Myanmar. They are about 20 or thirty years old.Zhang is responsible for typing on the computer with chat software. It is mainly for European and American populations. After disguising as women, they will start with chatting feelings, and then induce investment in digital currencies for fraud.

After Zhang entered the park, the first month was equivalent to more than 6,000 yuan (RMB, below, the same, S $ 1120), and followed up with fraud performance. The proportion was 3%to 12%.But he said that he had not made money by performance, because many people knew the fraud routine, and fewer and fewer people were deceived.

In April this year, because I talked to the park with girlfriends in China, Zhang was beaten by the managers with a wooden stick to stand normally; from the end of April to the beginning of August, he has been detained and usually only eat one meal a dayEssence

After Zhang's encounter was disclosed, the park asked for ransom under pressure from 120,000 yuan to 59,000 yuan.Zhang's family paid the ransom. After the park asked Zhang to acknowledge that he voluntarily entered the park and signed a video, he sent him to the Thai -Myanmar border in late August.

Due to Zhang's "Dr. Chinese Academy of Sciences", this case has caused heated discussions in China and causing highly educated people to discuss the fraud trap.