A public hospital in Xunyang, Shaanxi, China, wrote the official documents of "50 men 44 years old and not renewed", which fired more than ten people.The local official reported that the operation violated the labor contract law, ordered the rectification within a time limit, and paid double compensation to the dismissed person.

Comprehensive Red Star News and Surging News reports, the management measures of the employment personnel revised by the People's Hospital of Xunyang City in 2023 stipulate that in addition to the practicing physicians who have obtained intermediate titles and the employees of special shortages, other positionsThe hired men are 55 years old, and women are no longer renewed.

This age is lower than the official retirement age of men 60 years old, female cadres 55, and female workers 50.

According to media reports, the document was released on April 28 and indicated that it was copied to Xunyang City Health Bureau.Someone who was fired told the media that since last year, the hospital has dismissed 12 people on the grounds of the above documents.Essence

Some of them said that when terminating labor relations, only economic compensation ranging from more than 10,000 to 20,000 yuan (RMB, about 1860 to 3720 yuan) was obtained.

According to reports, after the labor arbitration mediation, the people who were fired have been replenished by economic compensation, but they hope that the demands of continuing work will not be realized.Someone who was dismissed said, "We have rich experience and do not lose to young people. And at this age, work is not easy to find."

Shaanxi No. 1 Hospital stipulates that "male 55 -year -old women are 44 years old and do not renew their employment"On August 31st, the entry was on the Sina Weibo hot search.In the evening of the day, the Shaanxi Shiyang City Government issued a report on the official website that it has paid attention to related issues. The city's Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has immediately intervened in the investigation and the results of the relevant investigations were disclosed to the society in a timely manner.

The official website (September 4) issued a joint investigation team in the official website of Xunyang Municipal Government stated that after investigationExcept for clinical medical positions, the regulations of men who are hired by men in other positions are 50 years old, and women are no longer renewed by women at the age of 44. They will be lifted 19, of which 15 are dismissed before 2022 and four are dismissed in 2023.

Reporting that the behavior of the laborers who have not established a non -fixed period of labor contracts, illegal termination of labor contracts and economic compensation calculations are not in accordance with the laws and regulations, which violates the laws and regulations.Related provisions of the Labor Contract Law.The Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau of Xunyang City and the Social Affairs Bureau of the Shunyang City People's Hospital was delivered to the terminal to make a period of correction instructions, and they were ordered to revise the management measures for employment personnel within 15 days.

The notice also said that the joint investigation team has ordered the Xunyang People's Hospital to fully negotiate with the dismissal personnel and compensate according to law.At present, after negotiation between the two parties, the hospital has paid two times the compensation for the economic compensation standards of the dismissed personnel.