The Chinese Internet celebrity anchor "Xiucai", known as the "Middle -Elderly Women's Harvest Machine", has recently turned over.

Many Chinese media reported on Saturday (September 2) that Xiucai's Douyin account has been banned and quoted the person in charge of Douyin that this was because the account violated the relevant platform regulations.As for what regulations, Douyin has not disclosed.However, the report quoted people familiar with the matter and revealed that Xiucai has been reported in the near future, which may be part of the reason why he was banned.

The Douyin account of Xiucai has been banned for violating the relevant provisions of the Douyin Community Self-Deficiency Convention.(Screenshot of Douyin)

As soon as the news came out, it immediately exploded on the Internet of China, and the topic quickly appeared on the Weibo hot search list.As of 6:15 pm on Monday (September 4), the entry "Xiucai was blocked" has read more than 890 million times.

In the context of public opinion boiling, the reasons for Xiucai Douyin's blocked gradually emerged.According to the Jiupai News report, some people were inspected by the Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation in Anhui Province in August.

In this regard, a person in charge of the Taxation Bureau of the Bozhou City of Anhui Province said last Saturday night that it has indeed received report materials for showcases, and the report involves the report of personal income income, and the relevant investigation is underway.In most Chinese netizens, Xiucai should be suspected of tax evasion.

But the outside world believes that the legal issues involved in Xiucai are more than that.

Earlier, a 62 -year -old woman from Beijing called her real -name report on the Internet. Xiucai used the dividend as a bait. Through online rewarding offline dividends, it used three months to deceive himself 510,000 yuan (RMBIn the same, about 95,000 yuan).According to the police, the Beijing woman later reached a reconciliation with Xiucai.In addition, the 72 -year -old lady in Jilin Province was obsessed with Xiucai and had spent a lot of retirement pensions for show rewards. She even spanned thousands of kilometers and took a train to Anhui to find showcases.

Xiucai is a performer of the counter -star singing.According to the Southern Metropolis Daily, his live broadcast is the main income as the main income, and he does not bring the goods on the shelves.Data show that in the past 30 days, Xiucai has lived in Douyin for 11 games, averaging 4.073 million people.Some netizens broke the news that Xiu Cai shouted "Give me your medical expenses" during the live broadcast, and the audience suspected of inducing the live broadcast room gave him gifts.

Network data shows that these gifts in Douyin are presented in different forms, including "Porsche", "Private Aircraft", "Douyin No. 1", "Carnival", etc., which requires 1200 shaking coins, 3,000 shaking coins, and shaking coins.10001 shake coins, 30,000 shake.Based on a 10 -shaking coin at 1 yuan, their unit price is 120 yuan, 300 yuan, 1,000 yuan, and 3,000 yuan, respectively.

Who is Xiucai?

Xiucai is 39 years old. He is a native of Mengcheng County, Luzhou City, Anhui Province. He has uploaded short videos on Douyin since 2020.As of August this year, its account has released a total of more than 1,300 video works, with more than 12 million fans and more than 200 million praises.

Times Finance reported that according to the video previously released by Xiucai, around 2020, he worked at a factory named Suzhou Xiangming.According to the information of the corporate information database "Sky Eye Inspection", the factory is a company that is mainly engaged in chemical equipment manufacturing. Its ordinary workers' monthly salary is 5,000 to 8,000 yuan.

Showcai has uploaded short videos on Douyin since 2020.(Internet)

Xiucai's video shooting is selected in the countryside, exquisite oil heads, wearing suits or shirts, and waist belts are his iconic shape, while smiling, eyebrows, hair, and oral singing are their works.Main elements.As for the matching songs, most of them are concentrated on the essential of the radio of Chinese middle -aged and elderly radio like you love you like you love me.In addition, from time to time, he cordially referred to his fans as "sister" during video reviews and live broadcasts.

Why can the counter -type singing exuding such a huge charm?

Some netizens commented that Xiucai was a handsome guy he had seen in the town when he was young.Some netizens believe that Xiucai is straightforward and clear from the selection of songs to dressing, as well as the language, and accurately harvest the type of audience of Aunt.

Securities Times reported that data statistics show that in the fan base of talents, female users account for 70.44%, and users over 40 years old account for 79.8%.No wonder, Xiu will be nicknamed the "middle -aged and elderly women's harvester" by public opinion.

Middle -aged and elderly male harvester

Short video nets facing middle -aged and elderly groups are more than one.The Internet celebrity anchor named "One Smile City" has exceeded 19.1 million fans in Douyin, and has won 260 million praises, more than Li Ziyi, who is known as "the first online celebrity outside China".

The number of fans of Douyin has exceeded 19.1 million, and the number of praises is 260 million.(Screenshot of Douyin)
Laughing City often shows a bright smile in front of the camera.(Internet)

The opposite sex between men and women sucks.According to interface news reports, the proportion of male fans in a smile of the city accounted for nearly 80%, and fans from 41 to 50 accounted for 31.84%, and fans over 50 years old accounted for 42.13%.

Due to the large number of middle -aged and elderly men, the number of laughes was named the title of "middle -aged and elderly men's harvester" by the outside world.

Like Xiucai, the content of the work of a smile is more from the village, and the elements are singing -oriented singing, and occasionally with some simple dance movements.But what impressed the outside world was that she often showed a bright smile in front of the camera.

Interface News reported that Yixiao City was a rural girl from Heze, Shandong, 33 years old.Since April 2019, she has released short videos in Douyin, and she has been on fire alone.

From the perspective of the live broadcast of a smile, almost every month, her live broadcasts are more than 40.Some netizens said that during the live broadcast, the audience and fans would continue to brush the gifts from hundreds of yuan to thousands of yuan, or even tens of thousands of yuan.This was fully reflected in her joint live broadcast with Xiucai last month.

On August 16th, a laughed city and Xiucai launched a "PK" live broadcast in Douyin. The three -hour live broadcast attracted more than 20 million people to watch.Before, the fans of both sides kept brushing the gifts.Some netizens teased, and joined forces with a smile, "easily squeezed out a province's pension."Some netizens pointed out that the live broadcast of these influencers became "the pension killer of the uncle and aunt".

A smile and Xiu Cai launched a "PK" live broadcast on Douyin on August 16th. The three-hour live broadcast attracted more than 20 million people to watch.(Internet)

According to the interface news, China's aging industry development report predicts that from 2014 to 2050, the consumption potential of the elderly population in China will increase from approximately 4 trillion yuan to about 106 trillion yuan.The proportion will increase from 8%to about 33%.Even on a short video platform that is usually considered to be a place of gathering in young people, Chinese and old users with financial ability actually occupy a considerable proportion.

Data show that watching live users over 41 years old accounts for nearly 40%.Among them, users over 51 years old account for about 19%, and nearly 30%of the monthly online consumption power of users exceeds 2,000 yuan.

At present, a smile is in silence.Her latest video is still on August 21, which does not meet the daily rhythm of the daily update.In this regard, I smiled and explained: "There is something to rest in the family, and the live broadcast will be notified again." But with Xiucai, some netizens speculate, will it "collapse the house" with a smile?

Emotional needs of the elderly

Phoenix Network Finance quoted a content industry observer analysis that the reason for the popularity of Xiucai and the popularity of a smile is related.First of all, they intentionally or unintentionally cater to the preferences of the middle -aged and elderly user groups in image shape, and this is exactly a blue ocean.Compared with the entertainment methods that are richer and diverse, their content consumption needs need to be effectively filled.

Secondly, the video style of the two is simple and straight. At this time, a single form is not a disadvantage, but the advantage is the advantage; the reduction of the threshold helps to improve the user's stickiness, and the audience will only gather and will not lose.In the end, they all maintained high updates and interaction frequencies, and gradually became the object of fans emotional sustenance.

The WeChat account "Science Popularization China", a subsidiary of the China Science and Technology Association, issued entitled why the uncle and aunt fell in love with the Internet celebrity "a smile" and "showcase" on August 27?An article, which was quoted into the research data of 14,072 Chinese elderly people, found that about 28%of the elderly felt lonely, and this data was more serious in rural areas.

A elderly man who did not wear a shirt rides a bicycle on the streets of Shanghai on July 11.(Reuters)

Upstream news quoted psychological counselor Chen Zhilin analysis, for most middle -aged and elderly people, what they lack most is actually a sense of love and belonging, retired at home, separated from the workplace, lacks social networking, children are not around, and the circle is getting narrower and narrower.They are lonely.If you encounter a divorce or a puppet, the sense of weakness, loneliness, and emptiness will only become more and more serious.Nowadays, young people are generally under pressure. They have to work, take care of their own families, and have no time to accompany the elderly.Under various factors, the network fills the emotional needs of the middle and elderly people.

In the final analysis, the "rich and idle" middle -aged and elderly group chasing stars is not different from young people.However, we must be aware that the induction, extortion and fraud against middle -aged and elderly people have always emerged.

Therefore, children should help parents improve digital literacy and guide their parents to use the network reasonably.In this way, even if there will be more talents and laughter in the future, they are not afraid that parents will reward crazy, and even hollowing out the pension, just laughing for Bo Jun.