Saudi Arabia informed officials said that Saudi Arabia is considering the construction of the country's nuclear power plant project.The purpose of this move was to put pressure on the Biden government, forcing the United States to concessions to help Saudi Arabia develop nuclear -energy projects.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States reported on Friday (August 25) that the United States said that the prerequisite for assistance to Saudi Nuclear projects is that they do not conduct uranium concentrated activities or mining uranium mines in Saudi Arabia.China does not seek to open these conditions for preventing nuclear diffusion to Saudi Arabia.China has tried to increase its influence in the Middle East, which makes Washington feel uneasy.

Saudi Arabia has asked the United States to assist them in developing a civil nuclear project as part of the agreement with the normalization of the diplomatic relations with Israel.Under this agreement, Saudi Arabia will also ask the United States to provide them with security.However, Israel is worried that the goal of the development of nuclear energy projects in Saudi Arabia may pave the way for Riya to develop nuclear weapons.The U.S. government has normalized Saudi Arabia and Israel's diplomatic relations as an important policy goal.

The above -mentioned familiar Saudi officials said that China National Nuclear Corp. (China Nuclear Group) has bid for the construction of a nuclear power plant in Eastern Saudi provinces.Essence

Saudi officials acknowledge that discussing the construction of nuclear power stations with China is to promote the Bayeng government to compromise in preventing nuclear diffusion requirements.

Saudi officials said they tend to hire Korea Electric Power to build a reactor for the nuclear power plant and include the development of the United States, but they are unwilling to accept the requirements for preventing nuclear diffusion proposed by Washington.

Saudi officials said that if negotiations with the United States eventually failed, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman was ready to cooperate with China Nuclear Group.

Justin Dargin, a very resident researcher at the Middle East energy issue specializing in the Middle East energy issue, said that China is likely not to put forward the same requirements for the prevention of nuclear proliferation, which will become more beneficial to Saudi's business Patner.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a press conference on Friday that Zhongsha is a comprehensive strategic partner.the benefits of.China will continue to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation with the Sands in various areas, including civil nuclear energy, while strictly observing the international obligations of the prevention and diffusion.